Table of Contents
Cover: Model of Conklin Hardware Store, Colcord, OK
Photos of Easter Egg Hunt, April 19, 2019
Conklin Hardware Store, by Betty Conklin, inc .photos
Model of Conklin Hardware Store, made by Paul Lantzer
Donated by James D. Conklin, inc. photos
Mary Dosha Smith by Andrea Squires, genealogy and photos
Responses to 2018 Donor Campaign Fund
Poems by Virgil Talbot from his book “In the Shadows of the Hills”
The Gene Johnson Gang, by Terrel Shields,
T.L.& M. Genealogy Magazine, Contents of back issues, 2018
Who was Arizona Clark? By Terrel Shields, inc. photos
Goingsnake Messenger and T.L.& M. Genealogy publications, Back Issues For Sale
Journal-Advance Newspaper,Gentry,Benton County, AR, 1924 articles
By Teresa Allcorn
Life in the Cherokee Nation, reprinted from “The Talbot’s Centuries of Service” 1982 book by Virgil Talbot
Westville’s Picnics of Yesteryear, reprinted from The Westville Reporter in 1984 by Virgil Talbot
Rodeo Begins Today, 1958 ad from Stilwell OK Democrat
Cemeteries, taken from “A History of Lincoln, AR 1884-1994 by Berlene Hilton
Some West Family News Items,1905-1914, transcribed from Adair County Democrat by Virgil Talbot
Five Tribes Ancestry Conference,Tahlequah,OK Sept.19-21,2019 advertisement
Obituraries: Gilbreath, Mooney, Pendergraft, Shackelford
1941 Junior & Senior Class photo, Cincinnati, Arkansas
Book Series Review: “Records of the Moravians Among the Cherokees” by Gary White
Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf( Walkingstick Research Library)