Table of Contents
Cover: photo of Jack Simmons, Big Rafter Rodeo Company, Colcord, OK
National Trail of Tears Assn. Board Members at Talbot’s-Photo
Big Rafter Rodeo Company, Jack Simmons Family, Colcord OK and photos
Jack Simmons and Sharron Blagg
Charles Francis Colcord
James Oscar Ramey history and photos by Gayle Campbell
Shields Family History by Margaret E. Bradford
Contents of Past Issues, T.L. & M. 2022,Vol XXX, Issue #1, 2022
History and Facts about Oklahoma by Duane Scott
Experiences of Roy & Jean Hendrickson Hurt family during Depression & WW II, by Hank Jenks
Responses to Talbot Library and Museum 2022 Donor Campaign
The Farmer, poem by Faye Roberts, dedicated to Parker Dean Roberts
Obituaries: Asher, Billups, Martin, Griscom, Puffinbarger, Gardner, Washington, Marshall, Roberts, Amos, Gardisser, Babst, Potter
Memory of Grace Puffinbarger article
Resources at Talbot Library & Museum, Colcord, OK
Cherokee Heritage, Sabra Beck family, by Elzie Cherry
History Note, May 1998-Jennifer Bateman, Samantha Daugherty-pages for OK State Rep. Larry Adair
Anti Horse Thief Assn. (ATHA)framed certificates, charters donated by Fred Bingham/Lex Cannon
Fort Wayne-One of a Line of Defensive Forts by Terrell Shields
Squeezin’ N Pullin, poem by Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews