Table of Contents
Cover: World War I, 100th Anniversary logo
The United States Enters World I, submitted by Donna Clark
Veterans Day 2019
The Supreme Sacrifice, WWI Casualties from Benton and Washington Counties in Arkansas and Delaware and Adair Counties in Oklahoma, compiled by Teresa Allcorn
Recent donation to Museum: quilt presented to Justine Potter, 1982,inc. photo
World War I Veteran, James M. Easley, by Terry Rose, Westville, Oklahoma, inc. photos
Osie Stinchomb WW I, by Sheri Stinchcomb Sharp, inc. photos
World War I Veteran, Payton Edward “Doc” Hurt, by Gerald Hurt, inc. photos
World War I Soldiers of Delaware County OK, listed in “Heritage of the Hills”Delaware Co.History book 1980
Veterans of World War I, buried in Row Cemetery, Colcord, Delaware Co. OK, also Allen Cemetery
Walter Eugene Marshall, by Levetie Beck Marshall; W.W.I Soldier, excerpt from “Pioneer Families, 1830-1985, Row-Colcord, Oklahoma
Those Who Served in World War I with Cincinnati, AR Roots by Gleneita Randolph Guthrie & Shirley Spears
Cherokee National Holiday, Tahlequah, OK August 30, 31, 2019, inc. photos
George Washington Walker’s Four Wives, by Andrea Squires, genealogy and photos
Obituaries: Thurman Shrum, Beck, Dowd, Lankford, Buckley Davis, Balbaugh, Londagin, Woodruff, Harper, Crittenden, McCoy, Trammell Brown
Robbing the Southwest City, MO Bank by Terrel Shields
Recent Donations to Talbot Library & Museum: Native American artifacts from Carl Reherman estate
History of the Springtown AR Church of Christ by Luedeke Family
The Cherokee Community of the Inland Empire(CA.) Representatives, visit Talbot’s, inc. photo
Rodeo Historical Society Annual Hall of Fame Awards: Doug Clark, honoree
New Books on Shelf,” Walkingtick Research Library “and Book Reviews