Table of Contents
Cover photo, Assorted Past Issues of “T.L. &M. Genealogy Magazine”;
New book by local author, Jean Hurt - ”Growing Up R.I.C.H., Raised in Crazy Hollow”;
Announcement of Booksigning event, Feb.15,2009 by Jean Hurt;
Springtown Schoolhouse 1924-2006, by Dolores Cash White;
Obituaries, Lorene Ann Tillery, Berton Dale Griffin, Donice Jones, Virginia Madeline Galbraith Spears Cox Gibson, Donna Porter Cannon;
Washington Co., AR Commissions in the Territorial Militia submitted by Glenita Guthrie
Basic Steps in Researching=Re: Cherokee, materials at Talbot Library and Museum, by Donna Clark;
T.L.&M. Genealogy Magazine, list of contents of past issues 1993-2007;
Interview with Andrew Thompson,1970, by James W. Tyner submitted by Teresa Allcorn
Descendants of John Haws by Glenita Guthrie