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Contents of Past Issues of Goingsnake Messenger


​Volume 1, No. 1 – February 1984
Early Publishing Ventures in Goingsnake District – Virgil Talbot
Some Helpful Aids for Genealogical Research – Helen Bynum
Hildebrand Mill
The First School at Baptist Mission: Selections from the Journal of Daniel S. Butrick – Jack D. Baker
Walter, Ted, & Bess – Joy Lee & Maxine Poynor
Recipe for Canuchie
The Jesse Bushyhead Estate

Volume 1, No. 2 – September 1984
The Cherokee Heritage of Jewell Whitmire and His Indian Ponies – Virgil Talbot
Ezekiel Proctor Dead: Excerpt from Stilwell Standard, March 7, 1907
Sam Boney’s Secret: There’s Lead in Those Hills – Robert Lee Barnett
Pictures from the Past: Ezekiel Proctor, Minnie Starr, and Westville School
Westville’s First Schools
Mosely: A History of a Beautiful Prairie – Virgil Talbot
How to Make Canuchie with a Mortar and Pestle – Eula Mae Prophet
1860 Population Schedule Indian Lands West of Arkansas – Transcribed Jack D. Baker
Spotlight on History: Wilson W. Kimbrough

Volume 2, No. 1 – March 1985
Ella Roberts: Pioneer Teacher – Wilma Roberts Garrison
Family Historian Penelope Allen Dies
Christmas in Scraper Hollow
How I Remember Grandpa Proctor – Elizabeth Walden
How Jasper, Arkansas Was Named – Ernie Deane
A Courageous Cherokee Woman: Barbara Hildebrand Longknife – James O. Sanders
Pictures from the Past: Union Hill School, Mary Mays Roberts, and Jay & Nellie (Woods) Buffington
1860 Slave Schedule, Indian Lands West of Arkansas: Going Snake District – Transcribed Jack D. Baker
The Marshall and Ned Christie – Virgil Talbot
Zachariah Taylor Langley
The Joseph Wolfe Family
Spotlight on History: The Kansas Hotel
Intruders in the Flint & Goingsnake Districts – Transcribed Virgil Talbot
Obituary: Sarah C. Harlan Twist
Obituary: William M. Cates
A Remembrance – Penny Blalock
Obituary: John Blackwood
Index for 1984

Volume 2, No. 2 – September 1985
Scalping – Virgil Talbot
Code of Vengeance: The Proctor-Beck Dispute – Virgil Talbot
The Rome Green Family – Virgil Talbot
Pictures from the Past: Westville, OK, Guarantee Bank of Watts, Ann Adair quilt sampler, David McLaughlin Beck
Account Ledger of Dr. M. L. Adams – Transcribed Virgil Talbot
Poems Over the Trail of Tears
Spotlight on History: The Haws Family
The Daniel-Wolfe Family – Nadine Asling Wolfe
Children Born in the Cherokee Nation, 1895-1897: Goingsnake, Delaware, & Flint Districts – Transcribed Virgil Talbot
Obituary: James “Hickory” Starr
Obituary: Charles Austin Augustus “Gus” Rider
Book Reviews
The Jacks Place – Mary Gordon Duffee
Congratulations: Mavis Doering & James O. Sanders
A Grand Wedding: Leona Cates & Mark Shufeldt: Excerpt from Adair County Democrat, February 19, 1909

Volume 2, No. 3 – December 1985
To California in ’53 – C. C. Seay
History of the Seay Family
1873 George W. Talbot Letter from Mitchell Mill
Pictures from the Past: John T. “Jack” Fletcher, John Chambers, & Emma Fondern Montgomery
Orphans in the Cherokee Nation – Virgil Talbot
On the Ocoee’s Banks: Michael Hildebrand’s Home – George F. Mellen
The Freeing of Jimmy
Grandmother Montgomery – Dorothy Marie Davis Conrad
Eliza Green’s Family
John Mitchell
Spotlight on History: Inventories 1902 & 1920, George O. Graham Store & Westville City Meat Market
In the Days of Yore: Education in Cherokee Nation and Adair County – Bluford West Alberty
Book Reviews
School Days: Tom Devine School, 1906

Volume 3, No. 1 – March 1986
Dal Holt: Frontier Lawman – Ruth Holt Patten
David Dallas Holt Family
Photo of Deputy U.S. Marshals
Sutt and Dicie Beanstick – Pearl Rogers Skitt
The Clear Springs Cemetery
Anna Langley, Past G.D.H.A. President Dies
Obituary: Irene West
Pictures From the Past: Bynum Children, Anna Langley, Ned Christie, and U.S. Deputy Marshals
The Enigma of Elizabeth Ward Martin Hughes – James O. Sanders
Obituary: John N. Hildebrand
“Tony,” A Faithful Buggy Horse
The Legacy of Going Snake – Virgil Talbot
Letters From the Male Seminary
Halley’s Comet – Lena Cabe
Obituary: Silas Walter Lacie
The Beanstick Family
Frances E. Morris Buffington
1906 Moseley Prairie Baseball Team
Book Reviews
Index for 1985

Volume 3, No. 2 – July 1986
News from Baptist Mission in 1899: Excerpt from Kansas City Star, March 1899
The Letter Edged in Black – Virgil Talbot
The White Catcher Family – Virgil Talbot
Ludovick Grant: Trader to the Cherokees, Part 1 – Mary E. Rogers
From Hangman’s Row – Virgil Talbot
Pictures from the Past: Martin Rowe, William Green, Margaret Welch Ward, and James & Maryisabell Clements Abbott
The Mabery Family – Barbara Haws Angerman
The Night Peggs Blowed Away – Walter Neel
When Mama Cooked on the Ground – Flossie Harp Haggard
Up, Up, and Away!: Westville’s Aeronaut – Virgil Talbot
Wash Lee: Cherokee Lawman – Charlotte Bettylee Rhea Johns
The Dunowoss Boys
The Killing of Levi Lee
The Passing of Nancy Ward
Two Grandmothers – Dorothy M. Williams
The Talbot Library & Museum – Virgil Talbot
Zebulon Williams – Lenora Neff
Obituary: Diana Welch Carnes
Book Reviews
Taylor School Photos 1906 & 1908

Volume 3, No. 3 – November 1986
1838 Letter from Going Snake to John Ross
Landmarks in Going Snake – Minnie Russell
Obituary: Minnie Lois Russell
Ludovick Grant: Trader to the Cherokees, Part 2 – Mary E. Rogers
A Citizen’s Arrest – Pearl Skitt
The Clear Springs Cemetery – Pearl Skitt
Growing Up in the Cherokee Nation – W. L. Cannon
The Irby Cannon Family – Virgil Talbot
Education in the Cherokee Nation – Virgil Talbot
Children At Play
A Mule-drawn Picnic Swing – Walter Neel
The Things We Did For Fun – Avis West Kirk Talbot
The Play House – Mildred Eugenia Lyons Morris
Playing Doojies – A. B. Childress
The Pet Bear
Teaching in Adair County – Arta Burgess Chapman
Indian John Hildebrand – James O. Sanders
The Hildebrand Court Cases
The Nelson & Nickels Sawmill
Larkin McGee: Indian Trader – Virgil Talbot
Watts News Notes, 1912
Virgil Talbot Publishes “A Bit of History” Collection
Some Birth & Marriages from the Sixkiller Bible
A British View of “Sayings” – Mike & Mary Talbot
Custer, On How to Handle the Indians: Excerpt from Bozeman Avant Courier, April 7, 1876
School Days: Lyons School, 1911

Volume 4, No. 1 – March 1987
Sam & Nora Mitchell – Bess Mitchell Stafford
Testerman Falls & Mill – Robert G. Winn
The Testerman Family
Ludovick Grant: Trader to the Cherokees, Part 3 – Mary E. Rogers
Lawrence & Beulah Sears, 1917 to 1979 – Maxine Sears Poynor
Pictures from the Past: Porter, AR, Sam & Nora (Testerman) Mitchell, and Maxine Sears Poynor
Westville Remembered – Alfred C. Bridenthal
How Did Stilwell Get Its Name? – Virgil Talbot
Circuit Riders – Gerald D. Hammett
1853: The Condition of Our Missionaries: Excerpt from Indian Advocate, 1853
Fifty-Two Years Ago in Westville: Excerpt from Westville Record, October 12, 1962 – Dorothy Marion Carlton
Proving Up – Virgil Talbot
From the Sixkiller Bible – Transcribed Jack D. Baker
Lon Holt & Mary Sixkiller Marriage
Letter From An Ex-Slave: Excerpt from Stilwell Standard, March 29, 1906 – Moses Littlejohn
Book Review
Cherokee and Chickasaw Per Capita Payments
Chance Store & Post Office
Index for 1986

Volume 4, No. 2 – July 1987
The Ten Year Battle of Adair County – Erick Stock
From Brush Arbor to Boston Avenue: Dr. Fred Brewer and the Southern Methodists in Tulsa, I. T.
The Gospel Wagon – Virgil Talbot
The Lives of Matt and Mary Scoggin – Orra Scoggin Cockrell
Makin’ Milkshakes in 1917 – Ross Scoggin
Pictures from the Past: George Mattison Scoggin, Henry C. Gay, and Michal Hildebrand House
Clayborne McClelland: A Migrant Child – Deborah L. McClelland
Rufus Gay: Spanish American War Veteran – Virgil Talbot
Some Welch Descendants – Martha A. Redus
Book Review
The Hildebrand House in East Tennessee – James O. Sanders
The Reservation Claim of Archibald Foreman – Virgil Talbot
G. D. H. A. Members Support Library & Museum – Virgil Talbot
Mayes, I. T. – Virgil Talbot
The Old Pigeon Roost – R. S. Medearis
School Days: Wright’s Chapel School, 1906

Volume 4, No. 3 – November 1987
A History of the Adair Family – John Thompson Adair
John Rogers: The White Trader – Mary E. Rogers
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Rachel Ward
Reverend Tommy Riley – B. Clark Riley
Memories of Peavine – Jay A. Coombes
The Marshal and the Moonshiner – Jay A. Coombes
Oino: OK Indians Vote! – Scott W. Draughon
German P.O.W.s at Candy Mink Springs
Picking Cotton at Wauhillau – Pearl Skitt
Pictures From the Past: P51s in Flight, Charley Coombes, & Talbot Library &Museum
Colcord Community Supports Drive for New Building for the Talbot Library & Museum
Bryan Ward and the Cherokees – James O. Sanders
An Old Morris Cemetery – Lulu Boggs
An Old Song: Ida’s New Shoes – Thelma Hawkins
The Growth of Education in Adair County, Part 1 – Betty S. Barker
The Name Rock – Virgil Talbot & Irene West
Pigeon Halfbreed – Ruby Browning
Book Reviews
Northwest Arkansas and the Civil War – Bob Beesom
Photograph: Piney School & Sunday School Class, circa 1910

Volume 5, No. 1 – February 1988
Photograph: Union Hill School, Adair County, 1921
Josie Crittenden: A Molder of Children’s Minds
Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory (1844), Part 1 – N. Sayre Harris
Indian Coverup?: The Hitchcock Report
The Great Raft
Pictures From the Past: Plew Valley Young Folk & Charles F. Colcord
The Growth of Education in Adair County, Part 2 – Betty S. Barker
Listing of Adair County School Superintendents
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Isaac Batt
Charles F. Colcord Named Pioneer Citizen
Book Reviews
The Foster Family – Jess Ray Davis, Jr.
Index for 1987

Volume 5, No. 2 – May 1988
Full Circle: The Tragedy of the Texas Cherokees, Part 1 – Sunny Althaus
An Old Bible & Letter – E. N. McCollum
Death Overtakes Chris Madsen, 92: Excerpt from Tulsa Daily World, January 11, 1944
The Madsen Letters, Part 1
Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory (1844), Part 2 – N. Sayre Harris
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: James Sherman Brown
The Civil War and Captain Sisemore – Maude Beanstick
Laying Out with the Dry Cows – John Crittenden
The Cherokees and the Washington Monument
Henry Starr and the Lady from Bentonville – Clara B. Kennan
The ATA and the Capture of Jack Wisdom
Book Reviews

Volume 5, No. 3 – August 1988
Photograph: Old Baptist Mission Church
The Life of a Cotton Picker – Pearl Skitt
A Cotton-Picking Dog – Maude Beanstick
The Madsen Letters, Part 2
Oklahoma – Chris Madsen
Reflective Memories – Ruth Holt Patten
Timson Chapel – Emma Rose Moore
Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory (1844), Part 3 – N. Sayre Harris
Full Circle: The Tragedy of the Texas Cherokees, Part 2 – Sunny Althaus
Tracing Michael Hildebrand’s Family: Identities of Second Wife and Grandchildren – James O. Sanders
1898 McDuffee Family Reunion
On the Road to the Cherokee Nation: Letter of Missionary Evan Jones, December 30, 1838
Bill of Sale: Old Baptist Mission Church Parsonage
Early Days in South Going Snake District – Anderson E. Campbell
Cherokee Nation Work Permit for Taylor Park
Drawing for Painting to Be Held; Proceeds Go to Talbot Library: Excerpt from Courier (Gentry, AR), July 14, 1988
Volume 5, No. 4 – November 1988
The Old Duncan Home in Georgia: Excerpt from Story of the Cherokees – DeWitt Clinton Duncan
DeWitt Clinton Duncan
Full Circle: The Tragedy of the Texas Cherokees, Part 3 – Sunny Althaus
The Madsen Letters, Part 3
The Daltons – Chris Madsen
Aunt Cora’s Scrapbook
The Frontier Life of Joseph Martin, Jr. – James O. Sanders
Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory (1844), Part 4 – N. Sayre Harris
Buried Lead – Bertha Pennington
Mathew Leeper: Indian Agent: Excerpt from Flashback, January 1954
Book Reviews

Volume 6, No. 1 – February 1989
Talbot Library & Museum Granted Tax Exempt Status by IRS
Growing Up in Benton County, Arkansas, Part 1 – A. D. Lester
The Sequoyah Trail: Excerpt from Adair County Democrat, December 29, 1932
The Wilsons: A Divided Family – Ruth Holt Patten
Journal of a Tour in the Indian Territory (1844), Part 5 – N. Sayre Harris
The Day Old Rattler Went Mad – Pearl Skitt
The First Wagon Over the Trail of Tears: Excerpt from Cherokee Pioneers – J. M. Carselowey
The Daltons and Other Outlaws – Chris Madsen
The Doolin Gang – Chris Madsen
1881 Letter from the Detroit Jail from Newton Martin
Burbage Named Distinguished Pioneer Citizen
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Joanna McGhee Jones
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Ben Knight
Book Reviews
Index for 1988

Volume 6, No. 2 – May 1989
Cherokee Rolls of Genealogical Value – Lulu Boggs
Things My Mother Told Me – Lillian Ghan
Growing Up in Benton County, Arkansas, Part 2 – A. D. Lester
A True History of Olden Days: Excerpt from Afton American, November 9, 1911 – Hannah W. Hitchcock
A Good Woman Has Departed: Hannah Hitchcock, 1934-1917 – C. W. “Dub” West
Remembering Lyons Switch – Pearl Skitt
Hacking Ties, Making Stave Bolts, and Cutting Hickories – Virgil Talbot
Frank Stapler Howard, 1873-1935: Excerpt from Chronicles of Oklahoma 13, no. 3 (September 1935) – R. L. Williams
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: B. B. Wyne
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: William Penn Beck
Across the Plains in 1865: Excerpt from Weekly Kansas City Star, March 11, 1914
Blank Pedigree Chart for Cherokee Ancestry
Some 1932 Prices: Excerpts from Adair County Democrat, December 29, 1932
Book Reviews

Volume 6, No. 3 – August 1989
Photograph: Alta M. Adams Ellis
An Interview with Frank Gray – A. D. Lester
Frank Gray’s 95th Birthday: Excerpt from Westville Reporter, January 1973
Eating Blackberries, Climbing Trees, and Sparkin’ – Gertrude Sloan
Geneva Lewis Powell: Death Breaks a Thread in the Tapestry of History – Virgil Talbot
Decorating at McCoy Cemetery – Lulu Boggs
One Way to Move a Barn – Maude Beanstick
Fighting Indians in the Dull Knife Raid – Charles Colcord
Medicine Lodge: Excerpt from Chronicles of Oklahoma
Document No. 104: List of Persons Entitled to Reservations Under the Treaty with the Cherokees of 27th February 1819
Many Reservation Claims Lost: Testimony of Amos Thornton
Many Reservation Claims Lost: Testimony of Caleb Starr
Starr Mountain: Excerpt from Etowah Enterprise, September 2, 1987 – R. Frank McKinney
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Christopher Jordan
The Christopher F. Jordan Family
A Pre-World War II Sears Sales Catalog
Update: Barbara Hildebrand Longknife – James O. Sanders
Recipe for Gritted Bread – Ella Prophett
Recipe for Bean Bread
Dr. Cherokee: Excerpt from Flashback 6
Book Reviews

Volume 6, No. 4 – November 1989
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Michael O. Ghormley
Charlotte Elizabeth Ghormley
Obituary: Larry Gilbert Crittenden
The Butler Family and the Cherokees
The Arkansas Cherokees: Transcript of Disbursements and Expenditures Made by George Vashon, Indian Agent
Lee and Sally Barnes – Gary Lee Barnes
Christie, Cherokee Nation – Gary Lee Barnes
The Barnes Family History – Gary Lee Barnes
Reverend John Brewton Barry – Lulu Boggs
Graves I Have Visited – Maude Beanstick
Some Nicknames – Mary Rogers
Avis Talbot Rural Postal Worker Retired Her Mail Bag: Excerpt from Northwest Arkansas Times, January 18, 1981 – Kim Cherry
Adair County History Book Underway
Book Reviews

Volume 7, No. 1 – February 1990
My Great-Grandfather Wilson Morris – Lulu Boggs
Lucy Clark Dawson – Mrs. Clark Riley
Photograph: Charles William Rogers
David W. Wilson: King of Amarugia – Donald W. Read
Remembering Neil Akin – Pearl Skitt
More Nicknames
Adair County History Book: Guidelines for Writing Your Family History
Oklahombres – Robert R. Ernst
List of U.S. Marshals & Deputies Who Died in Line of Duty
The Two-Way Stream – Maude Beanstick
Best Foot Forward: Colcord Builds for Future to Celebrate Its Heritage: Excerpt from Tulsa World - Nick Foltz
The Almanac: Planting by the Signs
1756 Letter: Ludovick Grant to the Governor of South Carolina: Excerpt from South Carolina Genealogy Magazine
1919 Train Wreck: Excerpt from Stilwell Democrat Journal
Book Reviews
Index for 1989

Volume 7, No. 2 – May 1990
Memories of Flint Creek – Virgil Talbot
The Old Mill: Excerpt from A Bit of History – Virgil Talbot
Walter Scott Ghormley – Verna Lafferty Chambers
Descendants of Scott & Ella Ghormley
Traveling Through the Decades – Tom Cates
Stranger Than Fiction Meeting in Hong Kong – James O. Sanders
Caleb & Nancy Harlan Starr – Mack Starr
Children of Caleb & Nancy Starr
The Dawson Hotel, Afton, Oklahoma
The Indian Territory: Excerpt from Atlantic Monthly, April 1879, Part 1 – Theodora R. Jenness
First Families of the Twin Territories: An Invitation to Descendants of the Early Settlers of Oklahoma
1832 Letter from the Cherokee Nation by Reverend Duncan O’Bryant
Book Reviews
Table of Classification of Lands and Appraised Value Per Acre in Cherokee Nation

Volume 7, No. 3 – August 1990
An Introduction to the 1880 Cherokee Census
1881 Letter to Congress from Cherokee Principal Chief Dennis W. Bushyhead
Train Whistles, Cold Pop, and the Rebel Yell – Elizabeth Walden
The Indian Territory: Excerpt from Atlantic Monthly, April 1879, Part 2– Theodora R. Jenness
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Joe Reese
A Report on the 1990 Oklahoma Historical Meeting in Lawton – Avis Talbot
Gideon Franklin Morris, 1792-1884 – Lulu Boggs
The Tieing of the Drum – DeMaris Gaines
History Repeats Itself: Excerpt from Westville Record, October 20, 1933
Colcord Library & Museum Dedicated During Old Setter’s Day Celebration – Sue Barrett
Book Reviews

Volume 7, No. 4 – November 1990
Photograph: Westville, Oklahoma, circa 1909
Register of Persons Who Wish Reservations Under the Treaty of 1817, Part 1
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: William P. Downing
Notes on Some Prominent Cherokees: Richard Murrell Wolfe
Notes on Some Prominent Cherokees: Isaac Brown Hitchcock
Notes on Some Prominent Cherokees: Smith Christie
Emmett Dalton & The Coffeyville Raid: Excerpt from Grand Lake America, November 11, 1975 – Carole Carlson
James H. Wilson: A Tragic End – Donald W. Read
A Different Kind of Love Story
1830: A Sad and Troubled Time: Oothcaloga Moravian Mission
Pawnee Bill Years for Good Old Days: Excerpt from Wichita Beacon, January 11, 1932 – Isabelle Hopkins
1900 Wild West Poster Discovered
Book Reviews

Volume 8, No. 1 – February 1991
A Tribute to a Great Lady Historian – Jean Mann
Trouble With the Cherokees in Texas: Excerpt from Frontier Times, January 1924 – J. Marvin Hunter
Spear Thrower: Excerpt from Frontier Times, January 1924
Register of Persons Who Wish Reservations Under the Treaty of 1817, Part2
The Tragedy of the Passenger Pigeon: Excerpt from ATA News, July 1958
1939: Rogers’ Statue in Hall of Fame: Excerpt from Harlow’s Weekly, June 10, 1939
Carrie Bushyhead Quarles: Excerpt from Muskogee Phoenix, March 7, 1909 – Mrs. Fite
Last Will & Testament of Carrie Quarles
Dennis W. Bushyhead: County Commissioner and Farmer
Book Reviews
Index for 1990

Volume 8, No. 2 – May 1991
Photograph: Elmer and Elry West
Elmer West: The Blacksmith – Avis West Kirk Talbot
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: James B. Russell
Cenotaph: the Body is Elsewhere – John Crittenden
John Wilse Rogers – Maude Rogers Beanstick
New Springplace: Excerpt from Chronicles of Oklahoma 17, no 2 (June 1939) – Vinson Lackey
Gunshot Wounds in Indian Territory – Fred S. Clinton
Remembering Carl Albert – Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews

Volume 8, No. 3 – August 1991
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 1 – Herbert T. Rights
Life of Nanye’Hi “Nancy Ward:” Most Beloved Woman of the Cherokees – James O. Sanders
When the Preacher Came – John Crittenden
To Dome or Not to Dome – Virgil Talbot
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Emma Christie
Good Indians in Texas?: Excerpt from Houston Chronicle, December 7, 1924 – William Eilers, Jr.
Preachers and Wedding Ceremonies: Excerpt from Frontier Times, February 1925 – A. W. Young
The Alberty Family – Quanah West Parker
Book Reviews

Volume 8, No. 4 – November 1991
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 2 – Herbert T. Rights
Who Are the Moravians?
When Water Ran Uphill – Virgil Talbot
Late Again – John Crittenden
Then and Now – Pearl Skitt
Recipe for War Bread – Maude Beanstick
The Districts of the Cherokee Nation – Virgil Talbot
Memories of the 1889 Run – Jack Connery
Indian Ceremonial Dances in the 1930s: Excerpt from Harlow’s Weekly, July 24, 1937
The Kenwood Choir
Book Reviews

Volume 9, No. 1 – February 1992
Thomas and Laura Gann – Laura Gann
The Proposed “Trail of Tears” Historic Trail
Elizur Butler & Samuel Austin Worcester
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind – Pearl Skitt
Ulm or Elm?
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 3 – Herbert T. Rights
Book Reviews
Index for 1991

Volume 9, No. 2 – May 1992
Lowery – Pack: A Bit of Cherokee Heritage – Florence McClure
Daniel Johnson: Westville Senior Among Top 350 Students
Creek Beaver’s Birthday Parties – Maude Beanstick
Silent Movies – John Crittenden
A Brief History of the Early Movies – Virgil Talbot
The Sweet Potato Dryer – Gary Barnes
Facsimile and Transcript of The Westville Record, December 22, 1922
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 4 – Herbert T. Rights
Report of the Cherokee Indian Mission, 1892
Spring Place and Ulm
Dancing in the Pig Trough – Robert G. Winn
An Ancient Spinning Wheel – Wynona S. Nelson
The Awful Summer of 1936: Excerpt from Tulsa Tribune, July 29, 1961 – June Howard Smith
Book Reviews

Volume 9, No. 3 – August 1992
Photograph: Henry Choate Sorghum Mill near Westville, Oklahoma
Makin’ Molasses – John Crittenden
Some Other Sorghum Makers
Notes from Old Afton Newspapers
A Tragic Story
Lige & Lillie Rodecker Smith – Glenita Guthrie
Cherokee Indian John: An Update on the Life of John Hildebrand, 1755-1847 – James O. Sanders
Hildebrand, Hiltebrand, Hilterbrand?
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 5 – Herbert T. Rights
Joseph Martin & Martinsville, Virginia: Excerpt from Bulletin (Martinsville, VA) – Ruth Callaway Pannill
The Cherokee Descendants of Joseph Martin
1890: The Thornton-Rogers Wedding: Excerpt from Indian Chieftain, September 4, 1890.
Letter to Teachers from John D. Benedict, Superintendent of Schools in Indian Territory, March 15, 1906
Jackson Barnett, World’s Richest Indian: Excerpt from Harlow’s Weekly, November 20, 1937, Part 1
Kate Sixkiller Haddock, 101
Sarah E. Hawk Dead: Excerpt from Afton American, October 29, 1929
Determining Land Allotments
Book Reviews

Volume 9, No. 4 – November 1992
Remembering Flint Creek – Eddie Fair
Beck’s Old Mill (poem) – Eddie Fair
Jackson Barnett, World’s Richest Indian: Excerpt from Harlow’s Weekly, November 20, 1937, Part2
The Taylor Family of Cherokees in I.T. – June Howard Smith
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Frank Devine
A Cedar Tree at Baptist Mission – Karen Wagner
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 6 – Herbert T. Rights
Book Reviews

Volume 10, No. 1 – February 1993
Our Tenth Year
Homer Kellems: World Adventurer – Virgil Talbot
Researching the Hildebrand Family: Letter from Robert L. Hildebrand to James O. Sanders, September 5, 1992
Letter from Lee Goodman to Ferd Goodman, June 13, 1895
The Elusive Henry James Smith – Virgil Talbot
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 7 – Herbert T. Rights
Indian Girl Delegate Abroad: Excerpt from Kansas City Star, February 2, 1922
Book Reviews
Index for 1992

Volume 10, No. 2 – May 1993
A Tour of the Ancestral Homelands of the Cherokees
The Carseloweys: Life Story of Pauline Carselowey Patton, Part 1 – James Robert Carselowey
Animal Friends I Have Known – Pearl Skitt
The Way We Played – Maude Beanstick
The Great Spavinaw Adventure – Robert F. Read
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 8 – Herbert T. Rights
Bryan Ward’s Last Will and Testament – James O. Sanders
Book Reviews

Volume 10, No. 3 – August 1993
An Eye Witness Account of Will Rogers’s Funeral in California in 1935
The Dunning Teachers
The Carseloweys: Life Story of Pauline Carselowey Patton, Part 2 – James Robert Carselowey
A Tough Lawman: William Shleldon
Reverend “Tim” Rights: Moravian Missionary, Part 9 – Herbert T. Rights
Book Reviews

Volume 10, No. 4 – November 1993
Nancy Ward Association Formed
Correcting History: The Goingsnake Massacre
A Report on the G.D.H.A.-Sponsored Tour
The Big Game: Football in the 1930s
What a Coach!: Will Rogers on the Air: Excerpt from New York Herald Tribune, November 14, 1933
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: John Henry Connelly
The Powell Family: Excerpt from Goodspeed’s History of Benton County
Tragedy at Wauhillau, Indian Territory – Madine Paulaski
Oscee Sanders: Excerpt from Cherokee Advocate, October 1877
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: John Gregory
The Clines
Cherokee Strip/Cherokee Outlet
Photograph: William Tilghman and Charles F. Colcord
Genealogy is Healthful – Virgil Talbot
The Gentry Book: Searching for Gentry Ancestors & Heroes – Paul Gentry
Book Reviews

Volume 11, No. 1 – February 1994
Willie Halsell College, Vinita, I. T. – Ben Funk
Hon. Jesse Cochran: Lawman – John D. Benedict
1877: Wills Town Mission: Excerpt from Cherokee Advocate, March 7, 1877
Update: Actual Location of the Goingsnake Massacre – Virgil Talbot
The Move to Crazy Holler, Part 1 – Jean Hurt
Springhouses, Ice Boxes & Kelvinators – Lucy Jane Makoske
Book Reviews
Index for 1993

Volume 11, No. 2 – May 1994
Researching the Cherokee Trail to the California Gold Rush – Jack Fletcher
The “Yaller” Fever
The Move to Crazy Holler, Part 2 – Jean Hurt
Fences – Virgil Talbot
Correcting History, Again: Fort Wayne, Ezekiel Proctor, and Agent John B. Jones – Jack D. Baker
The Settlement of the Proctor-Beck Dispute: Transcript of John B. Jones Letter
Obituary: Ka-la-we-quois
Campaigning in Delaware District, C.N. in 1895
Open Range, Branding Irons, & Stock Law – John Crittenden
The Ground Ivy Springhouse – Louise Parton McElroy
In Memoriam: Sarah Ellen (Hancock) Adair
In Memoriam: Berlee Mae (Beck) Potter
In Memoriam: Wilma Isah (Roberts) Garrison
In Memoriam: Bill Lee Barker
A Team of Unusual Goats: One Loved Candy, the Other Tobacco – A. D. Lester
Book Reviews

Volume 11, No. 3 – August 1994
A Tour of Cherokee Historic Sites of East Tennessee and North Carolina, October 15-22, 1994
Sacred Ground?
Belle Starr’s Reputation – Pearl Skitt
History Along the Cherokee Line – James Manford Carselowey
In Search of the Going/Goins Connection – Louise Richardson
Eastern Cherokees Fight Cleveland, TN Airport Proposal
G.D.H.A. Member Maude Beanstick Reaches Century Mark – Virgil Talbot
A Salesman, a Snowball Bush and a White Peony – Maude Beanstick
Chickasaws Attend Arkansas College, Fayetteville: Excerpt from Southwest Independent, September 30, 1854
School Days in the 1930s – Jean Hurt
Book Reviews

Volume 11, No. 4 – November 1994
Cherokees and the California Gold Rush – Jack Fletcher
Green Russell and Colorado Gold – Virgil Talbot
War of 1812 Pension Claim Rejected: Betsey Turkey, Widow of Standing Turkey
Trouble at Red River – Ezra W. Moss
Where’s George?: An Article on the Corruption of Cherokee Names – Jon Paul Gentry
Searching Lowery-Pack Genealogy: An Update – Florence McClure
Old Times: Excerpt from Cherokee Advocate, March 21, 1877 – White Horse
White Horse – Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews

Volume 12, No. 1 – February 1995
An Omen: Transcription of Letter by William Shorey Coodey to John Howard Payne, 1840
The 1994 G.D.H.A. Tour of Eastern Cherokee Historical Sites – Geneva Rush
Some Memories of the Depression – Jean Hurt
Belle Starr, “Queen of Bandits”: Excerpt from The Dallas News, January 9, 1927
Cherokee Seminary Homecoming, 1962: List of Seminary Alumni
Colcord, Oklahoma Recognizes Outstanding Citizens
Book Reviews
Index for 1994

Volume 12, No. 2 – May 1995
Hunting for My Ancestors – Willora Glee Van Osdol Krapf
The Proctor-Beck Dispute: An Interview of Martha (Horn) Mitchell by James R. Carselowey in 1950, Part 1
The Quakers of Siloam Springs, Arkansas & The Cherokee Nation – Maggie Smith
Oklahoma Quaker Records – Virgil Talbot
In Memoriam: Mary Elizabeth Taft Johnson
In Memoriam: Denton McClure “Mack” Starr
In Memoriam: Lila Josephine Mitchell Crittenden
Book Reviews

Volume 12, No. 3 – August 1995
Surry Eaton “White Sut” Beck – Robert L. Beck & Dracine Parmley
The Choctaw Indian Branch of the Veach Family – Donna Beals Clark
The Choctaw Code Talkers
The Proctor-Beck Dispute: An Interview of Martha Horn Mitchell by James R. Carselowey in 1950, Part 2
Author of “Cherokee Trail” Book Seeks Help
Good Crowd Attends July G.D.H.A. Meeting at Colcord
An Old Man Murdered at Wauhillau, I. T.
Huckleberry Picking – Jean Hurt
Another Cherokee Removal Tried in 1841 – Roy Lillard
The Lost Cherokees: Undetermined Cherokee Citizens: Excerpt from The Vinita Republican, September 8, 1905, Part 1
Long Wolf is Coming Home!
Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham
The Oglala Lakota (Sioux)
The Brave Song
Book Reviews

Volume 12, No. 4 – November 1995
From France to New Orleans to “La Saline”: The Chouteaus of Oklahoma
Who Discovered America? – Robert C. Perkins
The Lost Cherokees: Undetermined Cherokee Citizens: Excerpt from The Vinita Republican, September 8, 1905, Part 2
Book Reviews
Index for 1995

Volume 13, No. 1 – February 1996
Goingsnake District Heritage Association 1995 Tour of Cherokee Historic Sites of Georgia & Alabama, October 14-20, 1995
Earnest Talbot’s Ledger/Day Book
Earnest Talbot: Master Craftsman
In Memory of Julia Daisy Devine, 1896-1996
Grundy County Roots – James O. Sanders
Albert Pike and the Confederate Indians: Excerpt from Harper’s Weekly, June 18, 1898
To Correct a Gross Error: Letter from W. E. McIntosh: Excerpt from Flashback 12 (September 1962)
A Recorded Deed of Old Lovely County: Excerpt from Flashback 7 (May 1957)
Tragedy During the Civil War
Book Reviews

Volume 13, No. 2 – May 1996
Photograph: Alva Anglin Saw Mill
True Love Won – Lula Vance Scott
Heartsill S. Ragon: Excerpt from Centennial History of Arkansas
Geraldine Goodman: G.D.H.A. Member Named Citizen of the Year at Westville
The Slaboff Church and Community Center
A History of the Slaboff Church and Community – Lee Barnett
History in an Old Trunk – Owen W. Scott
The Big White Dog and the Sacred Pole – Jess J. Humes
Revolutionary War Record of John Hildebrand
A Genealogy Research Trip – Donna Clark
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Arkansas River Ownership: Excerpt from The Cherokee Report
Cherokee Chief Thomas Graves
Book Reviews

Volume 13, No. 3 – August 1996
Photograph: Richard Murrell Wolfe
A Letter From Mississippi – James O. Sanders
General Nathan Bedford Forrest at Forrest Point – James O. Sanders
Death Claims Two Well-known Historians: Pearl Skitt & Maude Beanstick
Obituary: Pearl Rogers Skitt
Obituary: Maude Rogers Beanstick
The Clear Springs Cemetery
Westville Schools First Annual Catalog, 1909
Obituary: B. Clark Riley
Life of Riley – Marjorie Riley
Letter From Keetoowah Society, Incorporated at Mankiller’s Springs, Adair County, Oklahoma, September 21, 1916
Death Takes Longtime Member Avis M. Talbot, 1917-1996
Obituary: Avis Mae Talbot
Origin of the Indian is Written in an Ear of Corn: Excerpt from The American Indian, November 1928 – John Madden
John Butrick Jones, 1824-1876: Excerpt from Baptist Messenger
Book Reviews
Area Trail of Tears Groups Formed

Volume 13, No. 4 – November 1996
Photograph: Eva Holt Ramey and Emma Caroline Holt Cates
1895 Letter from R. H. T. to Nannie Wright
Holidays in the 1930s – Jean Hurt
Franklin Reed Mitchell, 1869-1938 – Dorothy Gray
Charlotte Grigsby
Journey of a Party of Cherokee Emigrants: Excerpt from Mississippi Valley Historical Review 18, no. 2 (1931) – Grant Foreman
Dr. Lillybridge’s Journal
Obituary: Bertha Ann Pennington
Book Reviews
In Memory of Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Volume 14, No. 1 – February 1997
Photograph: Redbird Sixkiller
Marion Riley Title: A True Servant – Buell Childress
The Dawes Doubtful & Rejected Roll
1996 Goingsnake District Heritage Association Tour of Historic Sites of the Old Cherokee Nation
Descendant of Nancy Ward is Proud of Cherokee Heritage: Excerpt from Knoxville News-Sentinel, December 10, 1995 – Fred Brown
Our Fourteenth Year
Soldiers with Stand Watie at Pea Ridge: Excerpt from Benton County Historical Society Pioneer
Book Reviews
Cherokees Who Fought at Horseshoe Bend Under Captain John Brown

Volume 14, No. 2 – May 1997
The First Hildebrand in America
The Hildebrand Farm in Earl Township – Andrew J. White
The Great Tahlequah Fire of 1895: Excerpt from Columns 10, no. 4 (1987) - Duane H. King
A Kettle, a Blanket, and a Free Trip to Indian Territory in 1817: List of Widows
1817 Treaty with the Cherokees, July 8, 1817
Making the Internet
Book Reviews
Cherokees Who Fought at Horseshoe Bend Under Captain James Foster
Cherokees Who Fought at Horseshoe Bend Under Captain John McIntosh

Volume 14, No. 3 – August 1997
C. C. C. Camp #2806, Spavinaw, Oklahoma – Virgil Talbot
The Unknown Lady Citizen of the Cherokee Nation – Virgil Talbot
The Cherokees Cross Egypt – Scerial Thompson
The America First Committee – Wayne S. Cole
Book Reviews
Goingsnake: The Cherokee & Eastern Oklahoma Frontier, Part 1 – Virgil Talbot
The Cherokees Who Fought At Horseshoe Bend Under Captain Rain Crow

Volume 14, No. 4 – November 1997
Shiloh School
Indian Territory Notes
Obituary: Marjoria D. (Pete) Riley
1876 S. E. Stokes Letter from San Saba County, Texas
Beck School, 1898
Food Eaten by the Early Settlers and Cherokees
Early Settlers in Northwest Arkansas
She Trod the Trail of Tears: Excerpt from Tulsa Sun World, December 16, 1945
Senators from Going Snake District Elected President of the Cherokee Senate
Historical Facts
The Cherokee Nation: A Short History, Part 1 – A. M. Gibson
Senators of the Cherokee Nation
Union Army Officers from Cherokee Nation
Sheriffs of the Cherokee Nation
Confederate Soldiers Buried in Benton County, Arkansas
Confederate Soldiers Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Adair County, Oklahoma
Luther “Toby” Hughes: Craftsman
Richard Spohn: Sliversmith
Membership List of G.D.H.A.
Cherokees Who Fought at Horseshoe Bend Under Captain James Foster
Index for 1997

Volume 15, No. 1 – February 1998
Union Hill School, 1911
Stories from the Lyon Switch Area in Adair County, Oklahoma
Indian Lands West of Arkansas: 1860 Population Schedule for Goingsnake District of the Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Syllabary
What Was Happening Then: Putting Your Ancestors in Perspective
Quanah Parker: A Cherokee Family Historian, 1918-1997 – Donna J. Williams
Obituary: Quanah W. Parker
Judge Bluford West Alberty: Pioneer Citizen and Prominent Attorney
W. F. Parker: Counselor and Attorney-at-Law
Green Valley School, 1929-1930
Old Mitchell Home Has Historic Past
Sabra of the Wolf Clan: Sabra Ann England Kirby Henderson McGee Kirby Sherman
G.D.H.A. Membership Update List, 1997
Andrew Ross in 1835
New Echota Treaty, 1835A
A Trip to Red Hill Cemetery – Virginia Vann Perry
Court Records for Indian Territory: Excerpt from Daily Oklahoman, March 9, 1996
The Cherokee Nation: A Short History, Part 2 – A. M. Gibson
Swake/Yellowhamer Cemetery: Excerpt from Our People and Where They Rest – James Tyner
Washington to the Cherokees: The Letters to the Chiefs and Warriors of the Cherokee Nation of Indians
Book Reviews
Surviving the Trail of Tears: Lacy Christie, A Cherokee and His Descendants – Gene Norris & Roy Hamilton
Cherokee Muster Roll: Captain John McIntosh

Volume 15, No. 2 – May 1998
Blackwood Grocery Store, Circa 1908
Where It All Began: The Big Spring Marks the Spot of Fort Payne’s Birth 160 Years Ago This Month – John G. Chambers
Commerce on Moseley Prairie – Ray Stinchcomb
1842 Letter from John Ross to Colonel P. M. Butler: Transcript from NARA Publication M234
M. E. Milford: Biography Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
Ward Howard Bailey, M. D.: Biography Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
Mathew Daugherty: Biography Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
David M. Marrs: Biography Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
Indian Chieftain: Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
Chief Thomas Mitchell Buffington: Biography Excerpt from the Indian Territory Biographical
Christie: A Family History – Gene Norris & Roy Hamilton
Cruel and Unusual Punishment – Jean Hurt
1912 Letter from Oklahoma Congressman James S. Davenport
Indian Home Guards Military Discharge Certificate for Yellow Hammer Waker
Data on Bluford West’s Date of Death – J. Robert West
Book Reviews
Query: Mary “Polly” Upshaw
The Dawes Doubtful & Rejected, Part 1
Cherokee Muster Roll: Captain John McLemore

Volume 15, No. 3 – August 1998
Obituary: Virgil Elmo Talbot
Tributes to Virgil Talbot
Fort Wayne: The Nomadic Fort & Lieutenant General Richard Stoddert Ewell – Wayne Hoog
Reeder-Moss Families – Betty Stelmah
Book Reviews
Luney Riley of the Long Hair Clan – Gerald Hurt
Old and Gritty – Jean Hurt
Cherokee Maps from Van Hooser – Gerald Hurt
James Sanders’s Research Finds Irish Roots – James O. Sanders
Obituary: Dr. Edward N. “Bud” McCollum
Obituary: Marguerite Crittenden
Obituary: James Robert West
The Dawes Doubtful & Rejected, Part 2
Cherokee Numerals, Names, & Districts
Cherokee Muster Roll: Captain David McNair

Volume 15, No. 4 – November 1998
Proctor-Ford School, 1906
The Ridge Home in Fayetteville, Arkansas
Remembering the People of Japton – Pearl Skitt
Recipe for Canuchie – Minnie Stansill Clinton
A Thumbnail History of Cherokee
Book Reviews
Claims Filed by Union Sympathizers, Part 1 – Transcribed John Crittenden & Wanda Elliott
Cherokee Muster Roll: Captain John Speers
Index for 1998

Volume 16, No. 1 – 1999
1998 Goingsnake District Heritage Association Tour of Historic Sites of the Old Cherokee Nation – Betty Starr Barker
John Wilson Rogers – Pearl Skitt
Candy’s Creek Mission – Jack D. Baker & David K. Hampton
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Fred Palone
Questions on Bushyhead, Fields, and Martin Ancestry: Susannah Emory or Nancy, a Fullblood? – Jack D. Baker
Book Reviews
Query: Sarah Musgrove
Obituary: Howard Conley Vanhooser
Claims Filed by Union Sympathizers, Part 2 – Transcribed John Crittenden & Wanda Elliott
Lands Sold by Cherokees, 1721-1893
List of Births: Excerpt from the Journal of James Manford Carselowey

Volume 16, No. 2 - 1999
The Rough Riders – Carole Richmond
Pilgrims, Indians, and Wild Hogs – Emory Styron
Sheriffs of the Cherokee Nation from 1841: Going Snake District
The Execution of Wat Foreman – Terrel Shields
The Piney Country: 1932-1968 – A. D. Lester
Interview with Julius K. Adair – A. D. Lester
John Phagan: Indian Agent and Early Pioneer – Terrel Shields
Deed Excerpts from Record Book A, Washington County, Arkansas
Obituary: Persis Lovely
Lovely County – Terrel Shields
Heirs and Estate Settlement of John Ridge: Excerpt from County Records of Washington County, Arkansas
Chance Store & Post Office
Query: Archibald Scraper Photograph
English Handwriting with a Cherokee Accent? – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Book Reviews
Transcriptions of Letters from William Musgrove – Transcribed John Crittenden
Excerpt from Cherokee Dictionary and Pronunciation Guide

Volume 16, No. 3 – 1999
Query: J. W. Higgins & J. H. Morgan
Ballard – A. D. Lester
Tie Hauling – Gary Barnes
Bank Robbers – Gary Barnes
Recipe for Bean Bread: Excerpt from Cherokee Cookbook – Jack D. Baker
Excerpts from Cherokee Wigwam (Westville, Cherokee Nation), July 29, 1904
Claims Filed by Union Sympathizers, Part 3 – Transcribed John Crittenden & Wanda Elliott
Obituary: Martin Hagerstrand
The United States v. E. C. Boudinot, Jr.: Excerpt from Fayetteville Democrat (Fayetteville, AR), 1888
Chief Thomas Mitchell Buffington – John Crittenden
About Corn: Excerpts from Cherokee Cookbook – Jack D. Baker
The Wrights Come West – John Crittenden
Indian-Pioneer History: History of Piney and Piney Cemetery
Some Genealogy from the Cherokee Nation: Keys, Chambers, & Martin
Work Permits in the Cherokee Nation – Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews
The Cherokee Nation
The Keys Family
The Historic Southwest: Excerpt from Cherokee Old Timers – James Manford Carselowey
Adair County History Book Reprinted!

Volume 16, No. 4 – 1999
Drilling for Oil in Adair County – A. D. Lester
Hightman Family Burial Ground – Gloria & Bob Estlin
Query: Martha Alexandria (McCord) Patton
The Gold Case – Lula Boggs
Memorial of a Delegation from the Cherokee Indians, January 18, 1831
First Baptist Mission Site in Cherokee Nation: West Liberty, Hopewell, or New Hope Baptist Mission – A. D. Lester
Preserving and Restoring Our Historical Sites: Kansas City Southern Depot – Betty Barker
The Chicken Thieves: Excerpt from Living On Holson Creek – Neal White
Index for 1999

2000 - 2023

Volume 17, No. 1 – 2000
The Wests of Westville – LeRoy Hammer
Sarah B. N. Ridge – Terrel Shields
The Numbers Game: Excerpt from Living on Holson Creek – Neal White
The Removal: Excerpt from Living on Holson Creek – Neal White
Trail of Tears Tribute – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Excerpts from The Five Civilized Tribes – Grant Foreman
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Dan Scott
My Scott Side of the Family – Sandi Garrett
Celebrating the Life of Robert Frank Rush
Recipe for Bean Bread: Excerpt from Cherokee Cookbook – Jack D. Baker
Book Reviews
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Missionary, Part 1 – Transcribed A. D. Lester

Volume 17, No. 2 – 2000
Sale Creek Mission School, 1804-1810 – Marjorie J. Lowe
Matilda Martha Jane Harlan – Gerald Hurt
Calvin Skitt Allotment Deed #33970
Warriors in the Outfield – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Jesse Jordan: Cherokee or White Man? – LeRoy Hammer
Strangers in the Box (poem)
Private Audience with Princess Anne – Emmett L. Myers
Excerpt from The Arkansian, September 1860
Obituary: Elizabeth Walden
Obituary: Deloris Ann Longwith
Obituary: Altus “Al” Fred Brewer
Obituary: Opal C. Starr
Obituary: Betty Anne Hulsey Walker
How I Remember Grandpa Proctor – Elizabeth Walden
Early Delaware County and the Tulsa 4 Automobile – Robert Beck
Stand Watie’s Murder Trial – Terrel Shields
Excerpt from The Arkansian, May 1859
The Pin Indians: Summers, Arkansas - Eugene Gibson

Volume 17, No. 3 – 2000
Book Reviews
The 1870 Cherokee Census for Going Snake District – Transcribed Jack D. Baker
The Clyne Cemetery at Baron, Oklahoma – David Hampton
Malinda E. Martin: A Cherokee (A.K.A. Malinda Hurt-Howard) – Gerald Hurt
Sycamore – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Excerpts from NARA Microcopy 234, Roll 87
Whitmire Transfer of Slaves – Transcribed Jack D. Baker
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Missionary, Part 2 – Transcribed A. D. Lester

Volume 17, No. 4 – 2000
Book Reviews
The Heirs of Linnie Hughes – LeRoy Hammer
The Rough Riders – Carol Richmond
North Carolina Volunteers Participating in the Cherokee Removal
Correction: Genealogy of Jesse Jordan – LeRoy Hammer
Memories of Uncle Buck Scraper – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Index for 2000

Volume 18, No. 1 – 2001
Book Reviews
Bluford West Alberty – Glenita Guthrie
Judge B. W. Alberty: Pioneer Citizen and Prominent Attorney: Excerpt from History of Adair County, 1917
In the Days of Yore – Bluford Alberty
From the Springdale News, January 19, 1912 – B. H. Greathouse
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Part 3 – Transcribed A. D. Lester
Obituary: Tommy Clark West
Obituary: C. W. “Dub” West
Election Contests Are Older Than Oklahoma: Cherokee Pioneer Tells of Heated Contest in Tribal Days – Ed Sunday
Sallie and Ailey – LeRoy Hammer
Cherokee Masons – A. F. & A. M.
Pin Indians: Summers, Arkansas – Eugene Gibson
Baptist Missionaries – Terrel Shields
Baptist Missionaries Among the Cherokees, 1836: Excerpt from Triennial Baptist Registry, 1836 – I. M. Allen
The Second Cherokee Mounted Volunteers – Terrel Shields
Cherokee Ration List: Bushyhead Depot, Part 1 – Transcribed Jack D. Baker

Volume 18, No. 2 – 2001
The Dunawasee Boys and Nancy Sixkiller: A Brief Account – Joe Scraper, Jr.
William E. Potter Kirby – LeRoy Hammer
The Jackson England Family – Samuel Ward Rose
Mathew Leeper as Indian Agent
An Ongoing Study of the Still Relatives – LeRoy Hammer
Book Reviews
Trail of Tears Association Markings: Lacie Cemetery & Sixkiller Cemetery
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Missionary, Part 4 – Transcribed A. D. Lester
The Carseloweys: Life Story of Pauline Carselowey Patton – James Robert Carselowey
Elias C. Boudinot
Decoration Day at New Hope, near Chewey, Oklahoma, Circa 1908
Cherokee Ration List: Bushyhead Depot, Part 2 – Transcribed Jack D. Baker

Volume 18, No. 3 – 2001
Book Reviews
Memories of Old Bernice – Dracine Beck Parmley & Pamela White
Cherokee Veterans of Civil War Seek Pension: The Civil War Records of Capt. George W. M. Reed, Pension Agent
Obituary: Sharon Paulette Giles
James Manford Carselowey of Adair, OK: Family History
Lydia Keys
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Jesse Adair
Another Visit with Jesse Jordan’s Family – LeRoy Hammer
Original Cherokee Land Allotments for Adair County, Oklahoma, July 1, 1902 Enrollments
Estate of Thomas Still, Sr. – Transcribed LeRoy Hammer
Jack D. Baker, President of Trail of Tears Association Testimony before U. S. House of Representatives, June 12, 2001
Background on Moccasin Bend
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Missionary, Part 5 – Transcribed A. D. Lester

Volume 18, No. 4 – 2001
Rites Saturday for Tribal Officer: Dorothy Jean McIntosh
The Garretts of Goingsnake – John E. Garrett, Jr.
One White Among the Cherokees – Samuel Ward Rose
Cherokee Reservation
Letters of Duncan O’Bryant, Missionary, Part 6 – Transcribed A. D. Lester
Pioneer Citizen Richard Pierce, Age 90: Excerpt from Westville Record, March 29, 1960
Index for 2001

Volume 19, No. 1 – 2002
Imogene Veach Beals Honored
Jeffrey Beck: Delaware District Pioneer – Dracine Beck Parmley & Pamela White
Sequoyah, the Arkansas Cherokee – Gerald Hurt
The Tragic Deaths of Wash Lee and George & Fred Dunawas – Joe Scraper, Jr.
The Going Snake Court House – Transcribed Joe Scraper, Jr.
Anna Thurman – Transcribed LeRoy Hammer
Hildebrand Early Family History – Robert L. Mitchell
Jeannetta McGee – Lula Boggs
Private Remarks on the Testimony Given Between the State of Georgia and the Cherokee Nation, 30 Dec 1829
Lydia Vann Crittenden – Jackie Kingfisher
A Few Good Horses – LeRoy Hammer
Indian-Pioneer History: Parris Cemetery
A Tribute: Ollie Walkingstick Rooks

Volume 19, No. 2 – 2002
Trail of Tears Tribute: Johnson Cemetery
Working Together: The Legacy of Howard Walkingstick – James G. McCullagh
Cherokee Claim of George Still, Sr.: Excerpt from 1842 Cherokee Claims: Flint District
Excerpts from Cherokee Phoenix and Indians Advocate
The Cherokee Capitol Building – Transcribed Joe Scraper, Jr.
James Walkingstick Family Tree, Circa 1880-1950 – Rick E. Walkingstick
Obituary: T. S. Markham
The Cherokees – Gerald Hurt
Obituary: John Crittenden
A Tribute to John Crittenden – Jack D. Baker
Children Born in the Cherokee Nation, 1895-1897: Goingsnake, Delaware, & Flint Districts

Volume 19, No. 3 – 2002
The Beck Brothers of Delaware County – Pamela White & Dracine Beck Parmley
Obituary: Robert Lew Beck
Cherokee Phoenix Extra: July 24, 1830 Address of the Committee and Council of the Cherokee Nation
Freedom Graves: Paint Clan Cherokee – Gerald Hurt
Belle Starr’s Funeral: Excerpt from The Telephone, March 1, 1889
Porum Range War – Virginia Vann Perry
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: W. A. Arnold
Obituary: Martha Ann Redus, Longtime CDC Staffer – Derrick Henry
Nancy Thornton’s Reservation Clai
Book Reviews

Volume 19, No. 4 – 2002
Westville Once Had a Brick Plant – Terry Rose & Doyle Guthrie
Goingsnake District Heritage Association Tour of the Old Cherokee Nation – Betty Barker
Query: William Reed/Reid/Read
A Man of the People: Howard Walkingstick – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Hildebrand Mill Tour – Jeri Wood
The Mystery of Suzi Walkingstick – Michael Walkingstick Gregory & Tressie Nealy
The Henson Family
Love Family – Michael Walkingstick Gregory & Tressie Nealy
James & Susie Love Walkingstick
Index for 2002

Volume 20, No. 1 – 2003
Twenty Years of Publications
Early PublishingVentures in Going Snake District – Virgil Talbot
Walter, Ted, & Bess – Joy Lee & Maxine Poynor
Ezekiel Proctor Dead: Excerpt from Stilwell Standard, March 7, 1907
Mosely: A History of a Beautiful Prairie – Virgil Talbot
The Cherokee Heritage of Jewell Whitmire and His Indian Ponies – Virgil Talbot
Sam Boney’s Secret: There’s Lead in Those Hills – Robert Lee Barnett
How to Make Canuchie with a Mortar and Pestle – Eula Mae Prophet
More About Oscar Ramey – Gayle Campbell
Wannabee Cherokee Tribe – Gene Norris
A Tribute to Roy Giles: Window on a Century – Roone Acree
Reprint of First Goingsnake District Heritage Association Newsletter
Book Reviews

Volume 20, No. 2 – 2003
The Family Story Tellers
Return to Beck Mill – Pamela White
Benjamin Franklin Goss – Barbara Goss Dunlap
Indian Removal through Arkansas: Cherokees from 1830-1831: Excerpts from Newspapers
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Wyly Beavers
The Parris Family of Ballard Creek
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: George Washington Gulledge
School Census of Indian Children, April 20, 1939: Adair County, Part 1
Book Reviews

Volume 20, No. 3 – 2003
Chief John Jolly: Most Beloved Chief – Gerald Hurt
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William Penn Beck
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Ben Knight
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: John A. Alberty
Redbird Sixkiller: The Life of a Native American – William C. Hardy
Blessed Are the Children: Readings & Compilations of Headstones at Baptist Mission Cemetery, Part 1 – LeRoy Hammer
Goingsnake District Heritage Association Cemetery Project
Indian Removal through Arkansas: Cherokees from 1832-1834: Excerpts from Newspapers
Query: Peter Hildebrand
Query: Ellis Sanders Harlan
A Touch of the Green: The Rome Green Family – Dracine Beck Parmley
School Census of Indian Children, April 20, 1939: Adair County, Part 2
Book Reviews

Volume 20, No. 4 – 2003
Blessed Are the Children: Readings & Compilations of Headstones at Baptist Mission Cemetery, Part 2 – LeRoy Hammer
The Flint Courthouse: Excerpt from Stilwell Democrat-Journal, June 18, 1970 – Betty Starr Barker
Obituary: Bobbye Hannah
The Woodalls and the Buffingtons – James Carselowey
Obituary: Richard Anderson
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: John H. Bright
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Margaret Ann Hill
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Allen D. Edgmon
Cherokee Emigrants, 1817-1838: Excerpt from The Cherokee Tracer – Marybelle Chase
G. D. H. A. Cemetery Project – Joe Scraper, Jr.
A Mother’s Devotion: She Walks Ninety Miles to Save Her Sons from Ignoble Death: Excerpt from Fort Worth Gazette
Book Reviews
Index for 2003

Volume 21, No. 1 – 2004
Blessed Are the Children: Readings & Compilations of Headstones at Baptist Mission Cemetery, Part 3 – LeRoy Hammer
About Cherokee Families: A Study of Families in Chewey and Chance – Rose Stremlau
Cherokee Families on the 1830 United States Census of Georgia – Transcribed David Hampton
Ezekiel Proctor: The Mill Shooting and the Goingsnake Massacre – Willora Glee Van Osdol Krapf
The Road to Honey Hill – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Book Reviews

Volume 21, No. 2 – 2004
Blessed Are the Children: Readings & Compilations of Headstones at Baptist Mission Cemetery, Part 4 – LeRoy Hammer
Mystery of Joel Starkey – Emmett L. Myers
Records of the Southern Superintendency of Indian Affairs: Excerpt from The Cherokee Tracer – Marybelle Chase
Aggy Alberty 1842 Cherokee Claim
Victim of the Shootout – Willora Glee Van Osdol Krapf
A Cherokee Family from Arkansas – Ronald E. Norris, Jr.
Remembering the Infants and Children: A Listing of Death Notices, Part 1 – James G. McCullagh
Book Reviews

Volume 21, No. 3 – 2004
Cherokee Removal Records: Excerpts from NARA Microcopy 1475, Roll 2 – Transcribed Marybelle Chase
W. P. Henderson of the Cherokee Wolf Clan – Gerald Hurt
Obituary: William P. Henderson
Three Brothers Wed Three Sisters? – Rosetta Asher Welch
Baker and Guthrie Honored
Remembering the Infants and Children: A Listing of Death Notices, Part 2 – James G. McCullagh
Book Reviews

Volume 21, No. 4 – 2004
Twenty-five Years Later: Charter Members of Goingsnake District Heritage Association
Going Snake Trail of Tears Marking – Glenita Guthrie
Lucy West: Lifetime Goingsnake Member Celebrates 100th Birthday
The Crittenden Family – Larry Crittenden
Excerpts from Cherokee Almanac, 1840
Remembering the Infants and Children: A Listing of Death Notices, Part 3 – James G. McCullagh
Book Reviews
Index for 2004

Volume 22, No. 1 – 2005
Obituary: Lucy Ella West
Obituary: Calvin Loren Guthrie
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Mary Still Morris
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Oscar Cannon
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Adam Bean
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Michael O. Ghormley
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Oak Grove
Government Payments Appropriated for Cherokee Removal Treaty, 1835
My Fifth Great-Grandfather: Ellis Harlan – Barbara Goss Dunlap
Cadron, Arkansas – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Book Reviews

Volume 22, No. 2 – 2005
Virgil Talbot Honored by Oklahoma Historical Society
Archibald Scraper – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Descendants of Nancy Ward Trip – Barbara Goss Dunlap
None Left Behind: The Rediscovery of a Native American Cemetery – Dottie Ridenour
When I Was a Boy – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Family of Reese T. Mitchell and Rachel Hilderbrand, Going Snake District, Cherokee Nation – David Hampton
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Nick Comingdeer
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Tom Finley
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Tom Devine
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Zeke Acorn
Book Reviews

Volume 22, No. 3 – 2005
Obituary: Dennis Charles Hannah
Sequoyah’s Caverns – Gerald Hurt
A Wedding, Three Deaths, and a Trial: the Family and Death of James Downing – Marybelle Chase & David Hampton
Some History from Arkansas
Cemetery Report – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Joanna (McGhee) Jones
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: John K. McCoy
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Martin Blackwood
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Martha Jane (Horn) Mitchell
Excerpts from Cherokee Pioneers – James Manford Carselowey
Book Reviews

Volume 22, No. 4 – 2005
Family of James and Susannah (Downing) Still – David Keith Hampton
Suzie (Downing) Still – Jean Hurt
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Nannie (Patrick) Pierce
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Cookson Hills
Cherokee Legislature: Excerpt from Cherokee Phoenix, 1829
1829 Letter to Secretary of War: Excerpt from Arkansas Valley Historical
Book Reviews
Index for 2005

Volume 23, No. 1 – 2006
Injun Joe – Joseph McMinn Hause
1900 Business Directory of Arkansas
Excerpt from The Arkansas Gazette, December 12, 1955
After the Massacre – Rose Stauber
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Rachel Allred Ward
Nancy Jane Robbins and her Grandson, William Robbins – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Mary (Scott) Gordon
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Jennie E. Hines
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interivew: William Ballard
Book Reviews

Volume 23, No. 2 – 2006
Timeline of Events Leading Up to the Trail of Tears
Government Payments Appropriated for Cherokee Removal Treaty, 1835 (missing page)
Reverend Stephen Foreman – David Keith Hampton
Reverend Stephen Foreman: Cherokee Missionary: Excerpt from Chronicles of Oklahoma – Minta Ross Foreman
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: W. W. Harnage
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: John G. West
Cherokee Agency, 1829: Excerpts from NARA Microcopy 234, Roll 73 – Transcribed Marybelle Chase
Choctaw Nation – Gerald Hurt
Book Reviews

Volume 23, No. 3 – 2006
Obituary: Chris William Brown
The Closing of the Cherokee Female Seminary in 1857: Remembering the Rosebuds – James G. McCullagh
Finding Homes for Orphaned Photos
Cherokee Nation – Gerald Hurt
Glass Village
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Mary Lee (Starr) Palone
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interivew: Elizabeth (Ballard) Sanders
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Moses Welch
Letter from William McClellan to the Secretary of War, April 10, 1829
Chief Tahlonteeskee – Gerald Hurt
Christie School, 1913: Christie, Oklahoma
Book Reviews

Volume 23, No. 4 – 2006
Obituary: Dracine Beck Parmley
Moses Alberty – Barbara Goss Dunlap
Ramey Family – Juanita Ramey Overbeck
Muscogee/Creek Nation – Gerald Hurt
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Cleracy (Fields) Smith
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Kate (Neugin) Rackleff
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William H. Hern
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interivew: Thomas Gritts
Histories Can Be Misleading: Excerpt from Westville Reporter, July 29, 1976 – A. D. Lester
Book Reviews
Index for 2006

Volume 24, No. 1 – 2007
The Daniel Family in Delaware District, IT – Pamela White
Redefining Belonging: Cherokee Families and the Creation of the Dawes Rolls – Rose Stremlau
The Guion Miller Roll Applications: An Example – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Book Reviews

Volume 24, No. 2 – 2007
Remembering the Infants and Children: A Listing of Death Notices, 1870-1907 – James G. McCullagh & Amy Steger
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Henry Downing
Book Reviews

Volume 24, No. 3 – 2007
Personal Notes: Excerpts from Cherokee Notes – James Manford Carselowey
Henry Buckner, Adair County Sheriff Shot and Killed, June 12, 1954
A Perspective of The Clans – Smithy B. “Benny” Smith
Benny Smith
The Cherokee Nation – James Manford Carselowey
A. D. Lester’s Study of Chief Going Snake – Mae Bradley
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Nathaniel Dow Willis
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William Wolfe
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Frank J. Boudinot
Obituary: Mary Whelchel Cabe
Brief Statement of Facts Concerning Old Baptist Mission Church, Cherokee Nation – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Strip Payment 1893 Photograph
Captain Old Field (O’Field): History As We Know It – Elizabeth Walker Cameron
Book Reviews

Volume 24, No. 4 – 2007
My Great-Great Grandma Was a Cherokee Princess and Other Misconceptions – Gene Norris
From Whiskey Peddler to Sunday School Teacher – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Obituary: Jim Raymond Justice
Obituary: William Byrd “Bill” Parks
Stand Watie Papers – Nancy Feroe
It Began with an Email – Julia N. Autry
Jesse Thompson (1830-1893) – Sharon Belle Pappin
Six Killer’s 1842 Going Snake District Claim – Transcribed Joe Scraper, Jr.
Homany Smith’s 1842 Going Snake District Claim – Transcribed Joe Scraper, Jr.
Data Found Within These Claims – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Book Reviews
Index to 2007

Volume 25, No. 1 – 2008
Ruby Odessa (Bennett) Grier – Ron Maynard
Frontier Town of Cherokee Nation from Vinita, I. T., 1878-1907 – O. B. Campbell
Red Clay Cherokee Indians – Geneva Wood
Fort Smith Criminal Records Regarding the Trial of Ezekiel Proctor – Transcribed Joe Scraper, Jr.
A Citizen Arrested and Taken to Fort Smith for being a Cherokee Juror: Excerpt from Cherokee Advocate, June 1, 1872
Indian Accounts: United States Treasury Records – Marybelle Chase
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Elizabeth “Betty” (Perdue) Woodall
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Andrew J. Langley
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Elmer E. Seay
Woodall: Excerpt from Cherokee Notes – James Manford Carselowey
Letters of Sophia Sawyer (May 1792-1854)
Book Reviews

Volume 25, No. 2 – 2008
Excerpts from Westville Record, 1940
Descendants of Ambrose Harnage – David Keith Hampton
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: W. W. Harnage
Brutal Murder of George Harnage: Excerpt from Goodspeed’s 1889 History of Washington County, Arkansas
First Graduates of the Cherokee National Female Seminary: 1855-1856 – James G. McCullagh
School Census of Indian Children, July 14, 1939: Adair County, Part 1
Book Reviews

Volume 25, No. 3 – 2008
Westville, Oklahoma Photographs
Whitmire Family Report – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Nature Plays Tricks: Excerpt from Stilwell Democrat-Journal, October 26, 1989 – Forence Duncan
Obituary: Florence M. (Sanders) Duncan
Reprint of 1939 Program of Cherokee Seminaries Homecoming
School Census of Indian Children, July 14, 1939: Adair County, Part 2
Book Reviews

Volume 25, No. 4 – 2008
New York Times Newspaper Archives
The Indian Territory: Excerpt from New York Times, July 5, 1871
Two Cherokee Deadshots: Excerpt from New York Times, May 15, 1887
Sixkiller Assassinated: Excerpt from New York Times, December 27, 1886
Old George House Tribute to Cherokee Chief: Excerpt from New York Times, August 25, 1963
Regarding the Indians of North America – Benjamin Franklin
Book Reviews
Index for 2008

Volume 26, No. 1 – 2009
The Fabric of a Family: The Wilkies - Pamela White
George Welch Appraisal from the 1836 Cherokee Indian Census
Cherokee Nation Primary Schools and Teachers: Canadian District, 1870-1907 – James G. McCullagh
Boudinot and Watie Tobacco Factory – Gerald Hurt
Cahokia “City of the Sun,” A.D. 750-1300 – Gerald Hurt
Myra Shirley, “Outlaw Queen” of Indian Territory – Terry Rose
Westville Happenings of 1936: Extracted from Westville Record
Book Review

Volume 26, No. 2 – 2009
A Tale of Two Nations – Karen Coody Cooper
Obituary: James E. Gibson
Obituary: Dorothy J. (Tincup) Mauldin
Obituary: Van Duke Carlton
Obituary: Tom Thomas Marion Hampton, Jr.
Obituary: Jerri Gearldine (Rogers) Chasteen
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Mary (Gunter) Free
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Robert B. Choate
Descendants of Silas Choate – David Hampton
Orders to Colonel Joseph Byrd, 1836 – Transcribed Curtis Rohr
Letter to George W. Crawford from J. W. Ross, 1830 – Transcribed Curtis Rohr
Book Reviews

Volume 26, No. 3 – 2009
Goingsnake (I-na-du-na-i)
An Early-Day Enterprise in Delaware County – Pamela White
The Cherokee Indians: Excerpts from New York American
General John E. Wood’s Proclamation to the Cherokee People, March 22, 1837
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Joel W. Buffington
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Matilda E. (Clay) Clure
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William H. Hern
News Items from Past Times: Excerpts from Fayetteville Democrat
Obituary: Buel Denver Beck
Trivia: Camp Walker & Lovely County
Letter to Isabella C. Kinnebrough, 1851
Photo: Westville Cow Punchers
Book Reviews
Index for 2009

Volume 27, No. 1 – 2010
Giving Mammy Back Her Voice: Family Recollections of Lena Addington Monroe – Toni McNeilly
Excerpt from My Journal – James Manford Carselowey
Civil War in Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory
Historical Notes
1917 Businesses, Manufacturers, Merchants, & Tradesmen, Adair County, Oklahoma
Mrs. S. L. McLemore: Post Mistress and Merchant: Excerpt from Adair County History, 1917
Excerpt from My Journal – James Manford Carselowey
Obituary: Milton “Jim” Holland
Obituary: M. Imogene Cockrell
Obituary: Alice Tyner Timmons
Twist Mountain: Fact & Fiction – Terry Rose
Excerpt from My Journal – James Manford Carselowey
Cherokee Nation 1893 Election Ballot
Voting Precincts Within the Cherokee Nation: Excerpt from Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory Compiled Laws, 1892
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Arch Hummingbird
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Ellis Ketcher
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: George Livers
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Sallie Manus
Book Reviews

Volume 27, No. 2 – 2010
Newspaper Excerpts Concerning the Witt & Whelchel Families
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: David T. Witt
David T. Witt Testimony Before the Dawes Commission
Descendants of Felix Nelson Witt – Glenita Guthrie
Obituary: Alma A. (Morris) Hutchins
Obituary: George Allen Parris
Obituary: Lillian (Bigby) McGee
Obituary: Lydia C. (Pathkiller) Crittenden
Obituary: Joyce Olive (Choate) McReynolds
Obituary: Capitola (Goodman) Waters
Sut and Dicey Beanstick – Anita Keen Deiter
Removal of Restrictions: Excerpt from Muskogee Times Democrat, October 12, 1906
Over the New Route: A Description of the First Run of the Oklahoma Express: Excerpt from Muskogee Phoenix, February 5, 1903
From the Cherokee Country: Excerpt from National Intelligences, October 25, 1838
Cherokee History – W. H. Davis
Sheriffs of Adair County – Terry Rose & Carrie Philpott
Town Recalls Noted Tragedy: Excerpt from Muskogee Times Democrat, January 28, 1922
Book Reviews

Volume 27, No. 3 – 2010
Excerpts from The Cherokee Messenger, September 1844
Excerpts from Cherokee Advocate, 1844-1848
Obituary: Curtis Roy Hunt
Obituary: Liz A. (Guess) Littledave
Application for Enrollment of Thomas Suake
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Jim Swake
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Henry Harless
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Louis Taylor
Full-Bloods Dodge the Census: Excerpt from Muskogee Phoenix, June 21, 1900
Statement of Facts Concerning the Whereabouts of Col. Wm. P. Boudinot: Excerpt from Fort Gibson Post, April 23, 1898
William P. Boudinot Dawes Interview
Map of Ballard, Cherokee Nation – A. D. Lester
Book Reviews
Index for 2010

Volume 28, No. 1 – 2011
McCoys Hold Big Pow-Wow
An Overview of the McCoy’s Big Pow-Wow – Carole Richmond
Eight-Foot Clown Visits Watts, Oklahoma – A. D. Lester
Kenneth Morris Honored for Battle of the Bulge – Paula Flippo Walkingstick
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Lydia (Keys) Taylor
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Nancy Jane (Stephens) Rider
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Samuel Terrapin
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Old Burying Grounds Inscriptions: Ellis Starr Cemetery & Geneva Cemetery
Obituary: Charles O. Walker
Obituary: Marion (Brown) Hagerstrand
Obituary: Samuel Wesley Scott
Obituary: Frank Blew, Jr.
Book Review
Watts Was Boomtown in Early 1900: Excerpt from Interstate News, September 17, 1970
Descendants of Turn Leaf – Glenita Guthrie
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William Turn
Dawes Enrollment Application of William Turn
Dawes Enrollment Application of Lizzie Pumpkin
Dawes Enrollment Application of Sallie Pumpkin
Indian Lands Are to be Sold: Excerpt from Stilwell Democrat-Journal, July 5, 1962

Volume 28, No. 2 – 2011
Descendants of Turn Leaf – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Visiting Going Snake’s Grave – Glenita Guthrie
Obituary: Elizabeth “Liz” Ann Collyge
Obituary: Lee Paul Elliott
Obituary: Linda Jean Mankiller Sanchez
My Dad: Dennis Sylvan Wortman & Notable Ancestors – Sylvia Kralik
Unique Native American Traits – Angela Bird
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: George Washington Tieskie
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Blackbird Doublehead
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: B. B. Wyne
Susan Catherine Foreman
Leonidas Holt – Gayle Campbell
Information on Red Bird Sixkiller – Gayle Campbell
Sixkiller’s Arm a Deadly Weapon: Excerpt from New York Times, November 17, 1901
Letter from Tom Cates to Juanita Overbeck
Letter from Tom Baggett to Pearl (Holt) Baggett, October 23, 1894
Obituary: Mary (Sixkiller) Holt
Redbird and Pamelia: A True Romance of the “Trail of Tears” – Sam Sixkiller
The Story of Pearl (Holt) Baggett – Juanita (Ramey) Overbeck
Obituary: Pearl Elizabeth (Holt) Baggett
Resolved That Westville Should Be the County Seat of Adair County
Dottie’s Dolly (poem) – Gayle Campbell
M. O. Ghormley: The Indian Herb Doctor and Magnetic Healer Who Positively Cures Consumption
Vanished Years Recalled by Veteran: Judge Michael O. Ghormley: Excerpt from Tulsa Daily World, August 7, 1932
The Friends of the Cherokees Awards Banquet
Book Reviews

Volume 28, No. 3 – 2011
The Family of Eliza (Sixkiller) Padgett – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Obituary: George Franklin “Buster” Allcorn
Obituary: Eula Luellen (Hastings) Holland
Obituary: Carl Lawton Brown
Forgotten Cherokee Burial Ground: Woodall-Wagnon Cemetery & Connected Families – Luke Williams
Location of Graves in Woodall-Wagnon Cemetery – Luke Williams
Photo: White Oakball & James Snell
Book Reviews
Index for 2011

Volume 29, No. 1 – 2012
Obituary: Madeline Lucille (Walkingstick) Glenn
Descendants of Alexander Wolf – Wanda Elliott
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: William Wolfe
Excerpts from Westville Record, July 12, 1935
War of 1812 Pension Record of Crawling Snake – Transcribed Jack D. Baker & Marybelle Chase
Reprint of Front Page of Cherokee Phoenix, June 4, 1828
The Chester Fields McCoy Land Allotment – Carole Richmond
List of Assistant Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation, 1839-1907 – David Hampton
Book Reviews

Volume 29, No. 2 – 2012
The Mystery of Piney Cemetery – T. L. Ballenger
Spiro Mounds: Ancient Civilization – Jeri Dunlap Wood
Cornstalk Shooting – James Walkingstick
A Cherokee Adventure – Susan Kerr Singleton
Indian-Pioneer Papers: The Cherokee Orphan Asylum: History of an Old School Now Extinct – James R. Carselowey
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Samuel Thurman
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Clem Beaver
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Report on Creek Cemetery
Mary Elizabeth Vann & Family – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Book Reviews

Volume 29, No. 3 – 2012
Indian-Pioneer Papers: The Baptist Mission
The Influential Evan Jones in Indian Territory – Luke Williams
Zeke Proctor: Excerpt from Fayetteville Democrat, September 30, 1887
“A Devil of a Strait”: the Battle and Aftermath of the Goingsnake Massacre – Pamela White
The Cherokee Massacre: Excerpt from New Era (Fort Smith, AR), April 19, 1872
George Washington Scraper, Part 1 – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Book Reviews
Index for 2012

Volume 30, No. 1 – 2013
Obituary: Morrice Mark Ghormley
George Washington Scraper, Part 2 – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Wes Welker: Cherokee
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Baptist Mission
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Emma J. Blythe: Mrs. Luke Sixkiller
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Oldest Masonic Hall
Joseph Beck’s Masonic Apron at Talbot Library & Museum – Donna Clark
Dee-don-na-we-ski – Lelia Williams
A Cherokee Nation Cultural Tour: A Journey to Cahokia Mounds – Jeri Dunlap Wood
Rufus Cold/Sutanwake Cold/Sut Beanstick/Sut Cooley – Anita Deiter
Book Reviews

Volume 30, No. 2 – 2013
Obituary: Doyle Lee Guthrie
Work Relief for Native Americans: The C.C.C.-Indian Division in Adair County, Oklahoma – Luke Williams
The Cherokee Female Seminary, 1872-1879 and the First Post-Civil War Graduates – James G. McCullagh
Recipes from Cherokee Cookbook – Jack D. Baker
December 1907: Man Loses Trousers – Terry Rose
Indian-Pioneer Papers Interview: Susan (Riley) Gott
Lovely County Heritage: Early Families at Maysville – Tom Feathers
Piney: Some Firsts and Nots – Terry Rose
Obituary: Leora (Lacie) Whitecrow
Obituary: Donna Mae (Buckley) Barnes
Letter from Keetoowah Society, Incorporated to Cherokee Provisional Committee, September 21, 1916
Uncle Bill Beaty Celebrates 102 Birthday at Holt-Beaty Reunion
Book Reviews

Volume 30, No. 3 – 2013
Obituary: Betty Jewell (Royse) Merryfield
National Society United States Daughters of 1812 Marker Dedication for Crawling Snake “Going Snake”
Interview with Julius K. Adair – A. D. Lester
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Piney, Oklahoma
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Prehistoric Landmarks
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Piney Cemetery
Excerpts from My Journal – James Manford Carselowey
Adair County, OK: People of Interest: Excerpts from Adair County History, 1917
Book Reviews
Index for 2013

Volume 31, No. 1 – 2014
Cherokee Language Lives In Indian Baptist Church: The Rev. Walter Justus – Lorena L. Travis
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Marion M. Murray: Old Sixkiller Home & Cemetery
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Mary Starr Palone
The Goingsnake Messenger: A Listing of Articles, 2013-1994
Early Burials at God’s Acre (New Springplace) – David K. Hampton
Descendants of Lucy (Fields) Hicks – David K. Hampton
Descendants of Rachel (Pigeon) Smith – David K. Hampton
Descendants of Martha & William Henry – David K. Hampton
Obituary: Betty (Starr) Barker

Volume 31, No. 2 – 2014
Beck Prairie Cemetery, Colcord, Delaware County, Oklahoma
Building the Indian Community House at Lyons, Oklahoma – Luke Williams
Cherokee Smith and Stokes – Gerald Hurt
Moravians Among the Cherokees – Barbara Dunlap
1937 Chronology Shows Many Tragedies in Craig County, Oklahoma
Indian-Pioneer History Interview: Margaret (Sixkiller) Bagby
Intermarried Whites in the Cherokee Nation Between the Years 1865 and 1887 – A. H. Murchison

Volume 31, No. 3 – 2014
Early Banks in Westville, Oklahoma
Descendants of William Proctor – David K. Hampton
Joseph Little: Pension Record #80121 – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Application for Enrollment – Arch Cloud
Ballard, Oklahoma – Phyllis Hagan
Index for 2014


Volume 32, No. 1 – 2015
Obituary: Don L. Shadburn
The Debate Concerning Alcohol Use in the Cherokee Nation – Luke Williams
Excerpts from The Cherokee Messenger, August 1844
Oklahoma Trail of Tears Grave Markings, Round Springs Cemetery, Eucha, Oklahoma – David K. Hampton
John Thompson Adair: Cherokee Statesman – Mary Adair
Primary Source Excerpts Concerning John Thompson Adair
Obituary: John Thompson Adair
Public School System in the Cherokee Nation – Marybelle Chase
Historical Gold Watch from Duncan Family Donated to Gilcrease Museum – Donna Clark

Volume 32, No. 2 – 2015
Obituary: Lulu Lee (Morris) Boggs
Descendants of Charlotte Chopper – David K. Hampton
John Butrick Jones’s Influence on Cherokee Education – Vanessa Whitley
Primary Source Excerpt from John B. Jones
Laying Out with the Dry Cows – John Crittenden
Cherokee National Records Excerpts of Council and Senate Bills Regarding Cherokee National Schools
Rev. Samuel Worchester’s Letter Concerning Cherokee Advancement
Obituary: Randall Wagnon
Obituary: Betty Joyce (Hess) Smith
Obituary: Carole Ann Richmond
Index for 2015

Volume 33, No. 1 – 2016
Wado To Our Departed Cherokee Friend Barbara Dunlap – Glenita Guthrie
Scraper Mountain and Vicinity – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Chief Big Cabin Smith: A Few Research Notes, Findings, and Ramblings – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Obituary: Barbara Louise Dunlap
Obituary: Vera Opal (Ward) Richard
Descendants of Chief Big Cabin Smith – Joe Scraper, Jr.
Memory of Janana Ballard Lives On
Cherokee Hero: Trenton Doyle Bird

Volume 33, No. 2 – 2016
The Oft-Overshadowed Lewis Ross – Rachel Whitaker
Primary Source Excerpts Concerning Lewis Ross
Grave of Lewis Ross Desecrated
Protesting the Curtis Act in the Going Snake District & Sequoyah District – Luke Williams
Interview with D.W.C. Duncan
The Curtis Law (poem) – Ne-Noot
The 1860 U.S. Census in Going Snake District, Cherokee Nation – David K. Hampton
Obituary: Virginia (Vann) Perry
Obituary: Jay Garland Faulkner
Obituary: Jeri Lou (Dunlap) Wood
Obituary: Thomas A. “Tom” Cates, Jr.
Shake: Excerpt from Cherokee Advocate
The Grand Old Pioneer Doctor Robert L. Sellers, Westville, Oklahoma
John Butrick Jones: An Advocate for the Cherokees – Vanessa Whitley
Biographical Vignette: John L. Adair, Jr.
Biographical Vignette: Dr. Charles M. Ross
Biographical Vignette: Elias C. Boudinot
Biographical Vignette: Darius E. Ward
Biographical Vignette: W. S. Nash
Index for 2016

Volume 34, No. 1 – 2017
Jack Baker Elected O. H. S. President
Honoring Glenita Guthrie – Luke Williams
Grave of Cherokee Assistant Chief Richard Fox Taylor Dedicated – Ruth Faulkner
The Migration Story of John “Goodmoney” Thirsty & Lucy Nix – Ashley Thirsty Vann
Obituary: Albert Wayne Lacie
Pumpkin Family: Descendants of Dick Murphy – Wanda Morris Elliott

Volume 34, No. 2 – 2017
Cherokee Nation Honors David K. Hampton
Locating the Thomas Hendricks Cabin at Park Hill – Jim Terry
Primary Source Excerpts Concerning Thomas Hendricks
Telephones Connected the Cherokee Nation – Luke Williams
Westville’s First Telephone Company Begun – Virgil Talbot
Westville Telephone Company – A. D. Lester
Obituary: Sue Korthank Parham
Obituary: James Taylor Chuculate
Obituary: Roy James Hamilton
Cherokee History, Culture Scholar Dies: Duane King – Will Chavez
Biographical Vignette: Almon C. Bacone
Biographical Vignette: Davis Hill
Biographical Vignette: John Thomas McSpadden
Biographical Vignette: William H. Ballentine
Biographical Vignette: D. H. Flournoy
Index for 2017

Volume 35, No. 1 – 2018
The Mysterious Disappearance of Earl Holt – Gayle Campbell
Adair County’s Fallen Cherokee World War I Soldiers – Luke Williams
Memories of Sam & Eunice Rose – Michael Walkingstick Gregory
Ancestors of Eunice Wilma (McLaughlin) Rose – David K. Hampton
Photographs From Our Past: Charles Henry Allen, Nancy Ann (Mitchell) Allen, and Mary M. (Sixkiller) Holt
A Wearable Memorial – Elizabeth Walters Higgins
Biographical Vignette: William C. Patton
Biographical Vignette: E. P. Parris
Biographical Vignette: Joshua Ross
Biographical Vignette: William Navin
Biographical Vignette: Oliver W. Lipe
Biographical Vignette: Jackson W. Ellis
Biographical Vignette: Morris Frazee
Biographical Vignette: Stephen Foreman
Biographical Vignette: Mason Fitch Williams
Biographical Vignette: Samuel S. Cobb
Biographical Vignette: DeWitt Clinton Lipe
Obituary: Imogene (Veach) Beals
Obituary: James Henry Edwards
Book Reviews

Volume 35, No. 2 – 2018
“Come and Fight King Alcohol”: The Cherokee Temperance Society – Amanda Pritchett
Primary Source Excerpts Concerning Cherokee Temperance & Liquor Laws
Goingsnake Post Office – Luke Williams
Photographs From Our Past: Caleb Starr “Coos” Thompson, George Washington White, and Nancy Ann “Annie” (Duncan) White
Taylor Removal Detachment: Arkansas to Indian Territory – Charley Winn
Biographical Vignette: Eli H. Whitmire
Biographical Vignette: John Caleb Starr
Biographical Vignette: Joseph M. Hildebrand
Biographical Vignette: Caleb W. Starr
Robert Wesley Walker – David Hampton
Obituary: Virgie Lee (Robinson) Starr
Obituary: Angela Marie (Barker) Jones
Book Reviews

​Volume 36, No. 1 – 2019
Celebrating Forty Years:  A History of the Goingsnake District Heritage Association – Luke Williams
Photographs From Our Past:  Goingsnake District Heritage Association
From Ballard Creek to Noonday Creek:  A Personal Odyssey – Phyllis Hagan
Descendants of Malachi Parris – David Hampton
The Hines Make First Move From Their Old Adair County Home, excerpt from The Westville Reporter, June 11, 1954
Obituary:  Thomas George Mooney
Book Series Review:  Records of the Moravians Among the Cherokees
Book Reviews 
Volume 36, No. 2 – 2019
Lula Scraper Gibbins:  Cherokee Artisan – Luke Williams
Indian-Pioneer Papers:  William Scraper Interviews
Indian-Pioneer Papers:  Origin of Barren Fork
Early Arkansas Citizen Built Pioneer Wagon, excerpt from Westville Record, February 27, 1931
Photographs From Our Past:  Nathaniel Fish “De-lah-cha-nah-ki-ski” and Raymond Augustus “Gus” Hummingbird
Remembering Our Founders – Luke Williams 
         Larry Gilbert Crittenden (1946-1989) 
         Ruth Hinds Self (1904-1997) 
         Bertha Ann Haggard Morris Pennington (1911-1996) 
         Frank Alexander Wright (1931) 
         Minnie Lois Woods Russell (1901-1986)
         John Ross Crittenden (1914-2002) 
         Helen Gertrude Strain Bynum (1912-2002) 
         Virgil Elmo Talbot (1927-1998)
History Group Is Active and Growing – Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews 
Volume 37, No. 1 – 2020
Connecting Family Stories to Cherokee History – Regina Philpott McLemore
Descendants of Jackson Christie – David Hampton
Excerpts Concerning Robin Stann – Gus H. Tinch, et al.
Photographs From Our Past:  John Chambers and Sabina Elizabeth Mayfield Wyche
Correcting False Published Accounts of Cherokee Citizen Susan Coodey (ca. 1820-1852) – Karen Coody Cooper
Reverend Daniel S. Butrick 1844 Journal Excerpts – Jack D. Baker
Speech Delivered by Elias Boudinot, May 26, 1826 
Obituary:  Joe Grayson, Jr.
Obituary:  Jerry Clark
Obituary:  Billy George Keys
Book Reviews 

Volume 37, No. 2 – 2020
Life Story of Susie Love Walkingstick – Julia Howard Walkingstick
Primary Source Excerpts Concerning Walkingstick Estate Settlements
Pearl Elizabeth Holt Baggett – Gayle Campbell
Newspaper Excerpts Concerning the Death of Thomas Baggett
Daisy Baggett Honored by Interior Department – Ted Risenhoover
From Boyhood to Old Age, excerpt from Cherokee Wigwam, July 22, 1904
Photographs From Our Past: Nathaniel Jackson Redbird, Maurice Earl Ramey, and Juanita Ramey Overbeck
Newspaper Excerpts Concerning Oaks, Cherokee Nation
Descendants of Israel and Esther, Fullblood Moravian Converts – David Hampton
Obituary: Larry Don Griffin
Obituary: Charles Ray Winn
Book Reviews
Volume 38, No. 1 - 2021
Seminary Hall: Preserving a Cherokee Landmark-Luke Williams
Grandma’s Story: My Life at Sequoyah-Stephanie Hodges Quick and Sadie Parnell
Obituary: Sadie Fields Donahue Parnell
Cherokee Traditions, excerpt from Cherokee Phoenix and Indians’ Advocate, April 1, 1829
Going Snake Honored on VFW Monument-Luke Williams
Book Reviews

Volume 38, No. 2 – 2021
Mary Walker Elliott: Where’s Your Daddy? Who’s Your Momma? – Karen Coody Cooper
Descendants of Abijah B. Akin – Wanda Morris Elliott
Indian-Pioneer Papers: Jennie L. Akin
State’s Only Woman Police Court Judge, excerpt from Muskogee Times-Democrat, May 6, 1922
​Obituary: Lorene Sanders Farris

Volume 39, No. 1 – 2022
The Goingsnake Tragedy – Jack D. Baker
David Shell (1895-1918): Died of Wounds Received in Action – Donna Wheelehan
Newspaper Excerpts Concerning Richard L. Taylor, Sr.
Descendants of Richard Lee Taylor, Sr. – David Hampton
Westville’s Buffington Hotel – Luke Williams
Obituary: Linda Dianne (Barker) Harrold
Obituary: Geneva Faye (Moss) Wood
Obituary: Mildred “Mig” Irene Sanders Tillery Hamilton

Volume 39, No. 2 – 2022
The Marriages of Six Coodey Daughters – Karen Coody
Cooper Descendants of Twist “Ti-kah-noo-tah-yo-hi” and Rachel Morris Twist of Going Snake District – David Hampton
My Family’s Recollections of Orange Walter Starr – Richard Starr
Colley Newspaper Excerpts Concerning Orange Walter Starr
Biographical Vignette: William Lafayette Trott
Biographical Vignette: Riley Wise Lindsey
Biographical Vignette: William J. Strange
Biographical Vignette: Samuel S. Cobb
Biographical Vignette: John T. Drew
Biographical Vignette: William Richard Mills
Biographical Vignette: Jefferson Robinson
Biographical Vignette: Valentine Gray
Biographical Vignette: John M. Taylor
Biographical Vignette: Penelope Adair
Biographical Vignette: David M. Marrs
Biographical Vignette: William Ross Campbell
Biographical Vignette: C. C. Lipe
Biographical Vignette: Thomas William Triplett
Biographical Vignette: Austin Worcester Foreman
Biographical Vignette: Lucien B. “Hooley” Bell
Biographical Vignette: John L. McCoy
Biographical Vignette: Susan Taylor
Biographical Vignette: Thomas Rogers Knight
Biographical Vignette: James W. McSpadden
Biographical Vignette: Charles Walter Poole
Biographical Vignette: Walter Thompson Adair
Sixteen Convicts Free, excerpt from The Tahlequah Arrow, January 22, 1898
​Book Review


Volume #40, Number 1, 2023:

Cover: Frank A Wright, a Founder of GDHA

Frank A. Wright , and photos

Thanks, Luke” by Jack D. Baker

“Granny Annie” Anna lee Tieskie Dale Shelton by Donna Wheelehan and photos

Early Cherokee Intermarriages and Cherokee Intruders by Jack D. Baker

Obituaries: Jack Gardner, Imogene”Jean” Vann, Billie Napolitano, Harlene Faye Meissen Wills

1838 Cherokee Claims for Hickory Log District, Cherokee Nation

Chief Goingsnake tombstone photo

Children and Grandchildren of Richard “Dick”Crittenden by David K. Hampton

Children and Grandchildren of Sixkiller by David K. Hampton

Book Reviews-Talbot Library and Museum, Colcord, OK


Volume #40, Number 2, 2023:

Cover: photos-Wauhillau LaHay, Angie Debo, Nancy Hope Sober

Eagle Flight: The Remarkable Life and Career of Wauhillau LaHay, Cherokee Journalist by Rowena Mills

Nancy Hope Sober’s Tribute to Angie Debo, Annotated by Jack D. Baker, and photos

Cherokees Displaced by Fort Wayne, by Jack D. Baker. Susan Moseley, Robert Rogers Jr, John Rogers, Elijah Phillips, their 1842 Claims, and map

Jesse Adair, interview by Gus Hummingbird--- May 1937 Piney, OK (family and photos)

GDHA Officers for 2024—President Billy Holt, Vice-President Rocky Carroll, Secretary Connie Carroll, Treasurer KenLea Henson-Keys, Editor of the Goingsnake Messenger- Michael Wren

Index to Volume #40, by Joe Scraper, Jr

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