Contents of Past Issues of TL&M Genealogy Magazine
1993 - 2022
MARCH 1993, VOLUME I, #1,
Consists of free 2 page newsletter: Lists some of the books in the Library
Donation from Lulu Boggs, consisting of Dawes applications, etc.
MAY 1993, VOLUME I, #2,
Consists of 2 page newsletter; Virgil Talbot’s illness;
New books added to the Library; Microfilm Reader purchased; Listing of microfilm collection
AUGUST 1993, VOLUME I, #3,
Consists of 2 page newsletter; Endowment Fund Established; Jean Hickman resignation as Secretary, Donna Clark appointed
Virgil Talbot’s health
Cover photo, Thornton Smith Talbot, Julia Ann West Talbot, Sarah Talbot Payne; Wilkie Reunion; Members of 1906 Keetoowah Organization; The Nan Beamer Field; Old Families of Delaware County to Be Recognized; 3rd Annual 4 Corners Ancestor Fair
Choate Family lineage; Beck Family Reunion; Surname File Index; Foreman Family Reunion; “Goingsnake Messenger” Ten years
1920 Census, Delaware County, Ok. Moseley tsp, Precinct #16
1996, VOLUME IV, #2,
Cover photo, Virgil and Avis Talbot;Less is Still More by Fay Louise Smith Arellano; Hildebrand’s Detachment, Sept 2, 1838
Allen Cemetery history; Dawes Doubtful and Rejected Roll; Plant genealogy
1996, VOLUME IV, #3 (last issue offered free)
Cover photo, Ray and Faye Beals; Sequoyah’s Ancestry; Proving Your Indian Heritage with Your Teeth; Ray and Faye Beals story
Christie family; Chuwallokee & Wofford Cherokee Detachment; First Wilkie Reunion; Dawes Doubtful & Rejected Roll
Soldiers with Stand Watie at Pea Ridge
1997, VOLUME V, #1,
Cover photo, John Hugh McCarty; McCarty Family; Brief History of Hildebrand in America; Confederate Soldier Roster information
Union Soldier Roster information; Soldiers with Stand Watie at Pea Ridge; Genealogy Guide to Calorie Burning; Dawes Doubtful and Rejected Roll; Cherokees in John Benge’s Detachment; Cap. George Hicks Detachment; Cherokee Soldiers Who Fought at Horseshoe Bend
1997, VOLUME V, #2,
Cover photo, Gen.James Clifford Veatch; Gen. James Clifford Veatch story; Searching Wartell Genealogy
The Cherokee Cross Egypt (B.B. Cannon Detachment across Illinois); Nancy Ward descendants and Cherokee Removal
Bits of History (Diana Welch Carnes, Rachel Dildine); Open House Birthday Celebration, Virgil Talbot’s 70th Birthday
1893 National Ticket, Goingsnake District; Lucy J.McKenzie history and obituary
1997, VOLUME V, #3 and #4, combined,
Cover phot0, Westville, Indian Territory; Letter by Virgil Talbot about his broken hip; P.O.building under construction on Talbot Library/Museum property; Westville, Indian Territory; 154 yr old letter found (1842) to Mark Richardson, Jacksborough, and E.Tennessee, contributed by Nathan Richardson; Grand River Academy; 1914 Pat Dore Murder, Westville, OK, Tandy Folsum arrested
“ Sarah Knight Murder , John Corntassel arrested; Carl Bray, artist;1915 letter about Walker County, Georgia
1937 Letter, L.D. Butler dies, Christie, OK community; Early 1900’s photo of Westville School, 3rd & 4th grades; Barnstormers at Bernice OKHollyhocks in Egypt, 1902 Cincinnati Argus newspaper, J.W.Crick found unidentified man, 1897 Cincinnati Argus newspaper, John Vann shot by Thompson Hornet, Tilman England, stabbed, Frank Blade mentioned, 1840 Benton County Arkansas census
Proving Indian Heritage, Cherokee Cross Egypt (cont’d), Seeking Lewis Evans family, Dutch Mills Cemetery, Washington County, Arkansas, AHTA in Cincinnati AR area, Newsletter Award received, Box Supper Announcement 1912, James Barnett farm, Flint Creek
1998, VOLUME VI, #1
Cover photo, Bessie Morris and Starlet Martin, Westville ladies, Update by Donna Clark, Virgil Talbot residing at Quail Ridge Living Center, Beck Family, Henry Beck and Jeffrey Beck, Interview with Glove Morris 1937, Saturday Night Radio by Jean Hurt
Letters from and about Maysville Arkansas people-Bell,Watie, Smith,Summers Arkansas, early pioneers-Gibson,Funkohuser, Ballard, Parks, Price, Colliver, John Work 1889, by J. P. Neal, Beaty and Brady Cemeteries
1998, VOLUME VI, #2,
Cover photo, January Family, Post Office Building completed, Talbot Library and Museum, January Family by Ruth Glidden Pantry and Glanas Wooten, Bozarth Cemetery, Dow Cemetery, Town, School and Cemetery locator for the lower portion of Delaware County, Oklahoma, The Old Black Kettle by Orra Scoggins Cockrel, Hazardous Journey of Wagon Trains by Jean Hurt,1910 Graduation Invitation, Siloam Springs, Arkansas, Obituary-Dr Edward McCullom, 1894 Letter from Indian Territory, Index for 1880 Census, Ball township, Benton County, Arkansas
1998, VOLUME VI, #3,
Cover photo, State Rep.Larry Adair and Virgil Talbot, Death of Virgil Talbot, June 17, 1998, Pictures of Virgil Talbot, Virgil Talbot, Historian, Tributes to Virgil Talbot, King Family, Hawes Family. Siloam Springs Ar City Ordinances 1800’s, Colunchaty by Virgil Talbot
Barnes Family Chuckles, by Gary Barnes, Game Season 1913, Bushwhacked-William L. Post by Terrel Shields, Delaware County, poem by Virgil Talbot. Washington County, Ar earliest recorded marriages, 1845, Wet Prairie Cemetery, contr. By Terrel Shields
Don’t Mess with Mr. Smith by Jean Hurt
1998, VOLUME VI, #4,
Cover Photo, Rapp Brothers Barber Shop, Siloam Springs, AR, Little Lost Cemetery by Jaunita Randolph Wilson
Mystery Murders in Early Benton Co, AR by Terrel Shields, History of Beattie’s Prairie by Dan Draper
Benton County, Ar Court Records , July 1842, Bessie Killion, Delaware County, Oklahoma, Martin Crittenden
Colorado Adventure, contr. By Gary Barnes, Pioneer Doctors of Delaware County, Ok, by Dan Draper
Twas the Night Before Christmas, by Jean Hurt, Benton County Ar Court Records, Nov. 1840
Wood Cutting, by Gary Barnes, Suggestions –Writing Your Family History Hog Butchering and The Stingy Neighbor, by Jean Hurt
Allen Cemetery History by Virgil Talbot, Cincinnati, Ar News 1909, Early County Officials, Benton County, Arkansas
Early County Officials, Washington County, Arkansas
1999, VOLUME VII #1,
Cover photo, 1892 Benton Co.Ar flood, Siloam Springs, Interview with Sadie Young Mickel by Maggie Smith
1892 Flood, Teachers Contract for Anna Egy Hill, Old Salem Springs-Sexton, Washington Co.Ar. by Burlene Hilton
New Shoes - by Gary Barnes, Early Settlers in the Cherokee Tract by Terrel Shields, Lowery, Oklahoma by Dan D. Draper
Remembering with Helen L. Allen by Terrel Shields, A Thorny Beach by Jean Hurt, Remembrances, Van Hooser and Barnwell
Oaks Oklahoma during Early Days, by Dan D. Draper, In the Benton County Courts by Terrel Shields, Remembering the Good Old Days by Gary Barnes, Sid, Oklahoma by Dan D. Draper,Hico Public School, 1914, Early Washington Co.Ar marriages, Ice Skating by Gary Barnes
1999,VOLUME VII, #2,
Cover photo, Lucinda Still Martin, Lucinda Still Martin by Jean Hurt, Snow on Flat Woods by Gary Barnes, In the Courts of Benton Co, by Terrel Shields, Crime and Punishment ,Early 1900’s by Jean Hurt, Obituary-1896 Charley Johnston, Grandpa’s Complimentary Dinner by Jean Hurt, In the Benton County Records, by Terrel Shields,Aunt Maude marries, by Gary Barnes, John Phagan, Indian Agent, Early Pioneer by Terrel Shields, The “Right Place” by A. D. Lester, War Pension of John Thurman, Baptist Mission, May 16, 1917 photo
Uncle Bert Barnes dies by Gary Barnes, Dwight Mission Fire 1918, Poem by Gary Barnes, In the Benton Co.Courts by Gary Barnes
Obituary 1896,Kinch West, the Last of Quantrill’s Men, Execution of Wat Foreman by Terrel Shields, Wash Day by Jean Hurt
1999, VOLUME VII, #3,
Cover photo, Methodist Church,Siloam Springs, Ar 1920, History of Methodist Church, Siloam Springs by Mike Rapp
Summertime by Gary Barnes, The Pin Indians of Cincinnati, AR by Eugene Gibson, Horseplay turns Deadly 1890’s by Jean Hurt
The Talbots, The Pioneer Cherokees of Clouds Creek by Dan D. Draper, Down By the Old Mill Stream by Virgil Talbot
The Acrobat by Jean Hurt, Strangers in the Box, Foreman Cemetery, Westville, Oklahoma, Planting Tomatoes by Gary Barnes
When Fried Chicken Wasn’t Fast Food by Jean Hurt, Early Marriages in Washington Co. Ar 1845-46, Higgins and Morgan query
The Revival by Jean Hurt, Sarah Walker Hayes query, Jackson family of Cincinnati AR by Janelle Jackson Thompson
1999, VOLUME VII, #4, Cover photo, Chamberlain School house 1936, Chamberlain School by Jean Hurt
Glenn Brothers of Flint Creek by Dan D. Draper; The Name Rock by Virgil Talbot
Queries, Traugher and Gress; “Land Sakes Child, I Can’t Go” by Jean Hurt; Picnic Peanuts by Gary Barnes
Life of Cincinnati Ar Switchboard by Ruth Smith Spears; Eagles, National Treasure and Deadly Predator by Jean Hurt
Old Betsy by Gary Barnes; In the Benton County Courts by Terrel Shields; Confederate Pensions 1931-1938, Washington Co.Ar
Eating Blackberries, Climbing Trees & Sparkin by Gertrude Ellis Sloan; Siloam Springs Ar School @1908-1917 photo
Simon Sager 1802-1884, Immigrant, by Terrel Shields; In the Benton County Deeds by Terrel Shields
A Town Was to Be and Wasn’t, Ward, I.T. by Dan D.Draper; An Account of the Flood of 1892, Siloam Springs,Ar by Fred W.Bartell
In the Shadow of West Mountain by Virgil Talbot; Tanneries
2000, VOLUME VIII #1,
Cover Photo, Hendrickson Children 1934; A Donkey Tale by Jean Hurt; Watts Ok High School 1925-26, photo by Mike Rapp
Fort Wayne by Rose Stauber; James Allen Thompson 1837-1861; Confederate Veteran Census 1911, Hodges; Grandpa’s Deer Antlers, by Gary Barnes; A Murder in Flint District 1860 by Jean Hurt; Memories of Grover C.Hammer by LeRoy Hammer; In Remembrance, Wayne Hoog; Driving Hogs to Market,Cincinnati AR,Summers Ar by Shirley Spears; Map of Edmondson-Thompson Farm, Delaware Co.OK; Inventory-U.S. to James A. Thompson; Confederate Veteran Census 1911- Edmiston, Goyer, Hale; 11/11/11 by Terrel Shields
Shoot Out on Nixen Hill by Terrel Shields; Aunt Biddie’s Story of the Marrs family by Bill Ruble; Washington County ,Ar marriages 1847
2000, VOLUME VIII, #2,
Cover Photo, Spears Family; Spears Family by Bobby Jack and Shirley Spears; Siloam Springs, Ar 1880-1960, photos by Don Warden
Honorable Mention by National Genealogy Society to Talbot’s; When Snacks Grew on Trees by Jean Hurt; Genealogy of James Sanders West and family by LeRoy Hammer; J.S.West, Businessman-History Of Cincinnati,Ar by Jaunita G.Wilson
Hazards of Skipping School by Gary Barnes; Henry Martin Bradford-“Bradfords from the Colonies to the Continent”
Dripping Springs, Natural Falls by Elania Amos; Glenn Family- from Row-Colcord History Book; Aunt Biddies Memories of the Marrs Family, cont’d by Bill Ruble
2000,VOLUME VIII, #3,
Cover photo, Charles “Pop” Howerton; Remembering Charlie Howerton by Janet Stansell; 5th Annual Wilkie Reunion
Rock Gardens and Green Beans by Jean Hurt; Constitution and Bylaws, Southern Memorial Assn.-Roster of Soldiers buried in Fayetteville Ar Confederate Cemetery; Founders of Southern Memorial Association; Gone Fishin by Mike Rapp; The Nicks and Gibson papers of Lovely County; Index of names from Nicks and Gibson papers; In Remembrance, Robert E. Griffith, Texas
2000, VOLUME VIII, #4,
Cover photo, Glendale School; Glendale School by Shirley Conner Pinkerton; Charles F. Colcord by Dan D.Draper
An Interesting Old Deed; Skiing on Burlap Skis takes Skill by Jean Hurt; To California, 1853 by C. C. Seay
1911 Census,Confederate Veterans of AR; History of Long Prairie School, Dist. #45, Delaware County,OK
Barnes Family History by Gary Barnes; Warrenty Deed, Jesse A and Rosa Guthrie; Meaning of Early Gravestone Art by Teresa Allcorn
In Remembrance, Erva Beryle Howerton; Accounts of Horace L. Moore; Washington County Ar Marriages, 1848
2001, VOLUME IX, #1,
Cover photo, Will Shaw’s Sawmill; The Shaws of Cherokee City, Ar by Teresa Allcorn; Cherokee City, Arkansas by Teresa Allcorn
Cherokee City, Arkansas Tornado, 1927 by Teresa Allcorn; Dr. Bob Blackburn, OHS, visit to Talbot Library and Museum
The Spencer Gang by Virgil Talbot; Walini; Big Wig in the Wig Wam by Jean Hurt; Recipes from Southern Methodist Cookbook,Choice Recipes 1930; Whistler by Gary Barnes; Chewey Oklahoma by Jack Baker; Country Pie Supper Had Many Varieties of Pie by Jean Hurt; Query-Gress Family; Siloam Milling Company by Jeep Green; 1920 Delaware Co.Ok Census; Washington County Ar Marriages, 1849
2001, VOLUME IX, #2,
Cover photo, John B. & Caroline Estes Comer; Life of Major John B. Comer by Donnie Rollman; Music Party by Jean Hurt
Red Apple Warrants by Mike Rapp; The Pasley Place by Gary Barnes; Four Years Service in Southern Army –Joe M. Scott
Cherokee Trail Diaries, upcoming book by Fletcher’s; Evansville, Washington Co.Ar cemetery; Washington Co. Ar census index 1840
1920 Delaware Co.Ok census, cont’d; Washington Co.Ar Marriages, 1850
2001, VOLUME IX, #3,
Cover photo, Westville, @ 1900; Westville, by Virgil Talbot 1983; Too Much Company Meant Pallets on the Floor by Jean Hurt
Siloam Springs-These Made It Official; Local News from Cherokee Hummer, newspaper July 1907; Stories about Dad by Gary Barnes
In Remembrance, Billy Mitchell; An interesting Letter , submitted by Jeep Green; Genealogy of Ira Harvey Gress; Genealogy of Jacob R. Fauger; Fund Raiser for Talbot Library and Museum; 1920 Delaware County, Ok census, cont’d.
2001, VOLUME IX #4,
Cover photo, “Farm and Fruit”, Siloam Springs Feb 1899; Imogene Veach Beals, honored by National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; A New Stove for Mother by Jean Hurt; Obituaries- Cadijah Patterson, Charles A. Burbage
Local News from Cherokee Hummer, newspaper; Some Personal Recollections by Buel Childress
“Farm and Fruit Belt Journal”; Washington County Ar Marriages, 1852
2002, VOLUME X, #1,
Cover Photo, Andrew Jackson Kaiser and wife Catherine”Kate”Still Kaiser; Andrew Jack Kaiser from Row-Colcord History Book
Adair Co.Democrat, newspaper,1908, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; The Journal Advance, newspaper,1936,transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; The Westville Record, newspaper 1935 & 1937,from Lillie Smith Collection Scrap Book; Pitcher Ok Mine Produced Unusual Ore in 1926 by Jean Hurt; The “Preaching Marshalls” by Ruth Holt Payne; New Mexico Homesteaders; Washington Co.Ar Marriages 1853; A Tribute to Ollie Walkingstick Rooks
2002, VOLUME X, #2,
Cover photo, Row Ok, The Early Days; U.S.Government Memorandum,P.O.Dept, Row (Colcord); Remembering Colcord 1923-24 by Raymond Talbot; The Cherokee Hummer,newspaper,June 1906; The Cherokee Wigwam, newspaper, July 22, 1904; Refrigeration in the 1930’s by Jean Hurt; Peeking Into Pages of Past of Lincoln, Ar by Ruth Holt Payne; Old Circuit Court House Records of Washington Co.Ar; Judge John Q Hyde Sr; Mary O. Hyde by John O.Hyde; John Crittenden; T. L. & M. Genealogy membership, 2002
Washington Co.Ar Marriages, 1854; Obituary, William Brett Hurt
2002, VOLUME X, #3,
Cover Photo, Andrews Cannery Workers, Wedington ,Ar; Canning Factories; New Members; Adair Co Ok Teachers-transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; The Boxes of Siloam Springs; Confederate Veteran , Sam Box by Ann Gardner; Early Twenties-Seen Daily on The Streets of Watts,Ok by A.D.Lester; The Indian Chiefton,newspaper(Don Beck-Dildine Foreman shootings), transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Talbot Reunion held at Talbot Library and Museum, Colcord, OK; Old Siloam Springs newspapers; Washington Co.Ar Marriages 1855
2002, VOLUME X, #4,
Cover photo, Anti-Horse Thief Association in I.T. sub Order #245; A Tribute to A.T.H.A. by Teresa Allcorn; The New House by Gary Barnes; Early Twenties-Seen Daily on the Streets of Watts,Ok by A.D.Lester; Cemeteries and Burial Places in Delaware Co.OK
Washington Co.Ar Marriages, 1855
2003, VOLUME XI, #1,
Cover photo, Siloam Springs Ar Depot; K.C.Southern Railroad by Don Warden; Guy Logsdon ; Adair Co.Ok Democrat, newspaper, Dec.1937, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Caywood, Delaware County Ok family; Early Twenties-Seen Daily on Streets of Watts, Ok by A.D.Lester; 1937 Siloam Springs Pantherettes, photo; Recent donors, memorial; Adair County Seat Feud by Gayle Campbell; Barnes Stories, by Gary Barnes; Foreman, Delaware County Ok family; Washington Co Ar Marriages, 1857
2003,VOLUME XI, #2,
Cover photo, 4 Members of AHTA, Coppedge,Cockrell,Burbage,Hicks; Anti Horse Thief Association by Teresa Allcorn
Roxie Blagg Kirby, 90th Birthday; Joseph Thomas Family by Glanas Wooten; Journal Advance Transcript by Teresa Allcorn
Hoover Hogs-Depression Era Rabbit Tale by Jean Hurt; Facts and Fables by Darrel Mattox, Evansville, Ar
Washington Co. Ar Marriages, 1857
2003, VOLUME XI, #3,
Cover photo, Fellow by Creek,Tales of Cincinnati Ar by Gary Barnes; Railway Post Office by Don Warden
Barnes Family by Alice Ann Askew; A Doggone Misunderstanding by Jean Hurt; Obituaries-Macie Wofford, Edna Porter, Opal Ellis, Raymon Lawson, Grace Bailey; Samuel H. Hughs; Dr.T.W.Linam, Colcord Ok (record of babies delivered by Dr.Linam)
The Daily Register, Siloam Springs Ar 1932; Tales of Cincinnati Ar by Gary Barnes; Descendents of James Smith
Washington Co. Marriages, 1859; Memorial Donations; Colcord Basketball Team 1941-42( girls team) photo; G.D.H.A. Cemetery Project
2003, VOLUME XI, #4,
Cover photo, “Osieville” parents of Ray Stinchcomb;“Osieville” Ok by Ray Stinchcomb; Cherokee Hummer,newspaper 1907, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; 1812 Pension Claims, Washington Co.Ar; Ewing House, Siloam Springs,Ar by Virgil Talbot
From Clark to Marrs to Ruble by Bill Ruble; Colcord High School Superintendents and Teachers by Dan D.Draper
Union School, including photo by Imogene Cockrell; Bushwacking in Benton County by Terrel Shields; Hildebrand-Beck Mill Ornament; Heel or Healer by Jean Hurt; A Few Cemetery Curiosities by Gary Barnes; Descendents of Ross Andrew Brady by Glenita Guthrie; The Watts Watchman,newspaper, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Washington Co.Ar Marriages, 1880; Obituary-Bobbye Hannah
2004, VOLUME XII, #1,
Cover photo, Dan Draper and Grandville Griffin; Civil War Experiences of a Benton Co.Ar Youth, J.G.Heaslet by Terrel Shields
Descendents of Thomas Jefferson Inlow by Paula Schuler; Memorial Donations; 1965 Siloam Springs Ar Rodeo by Donna Clark
Man of Many Talents by Jean Hurt; Adair Co.Democrat and Cherokee Wigwam newspaper articles, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
The Greatest Invention of the 20th Century by Jean Hurt; Obituary, Daniel D. Draper II; 2003 Cincinnati Ar, Remembering the Best=Clark,Tusselman,Thomason by Glenita Guthrie; Washington Co.Ar Marriages, Civil War, 1860-1863
2004, VOLUME XII, #2,
Cover photo, William”Bill”Tilghman and Charles F.Colcord, Deputy U.S. Marshalls; Obituary, Roxie Blagg Kirby; Colcord’s namesake, Charles F. Colcord; Tribute to Charels F. Colcord by Walter Ferguson; George Monroe Hagan by A.D.Lester; Eureka School 1909 Attendance, Washington Co.Ar; “T.L. & M. Genealogy Magazine” wins award from Ok.Heritage Assn; Adair County Democrat newspaper by Teresa Allcorn; Cincinnati Ar Class of 1947 photo; Maysville Arkansas Facts; Rochelle Allred Ward,WPA Slave Narrative; Genealogy of James Ervin Davis; 1890’s Gleanings; Washington Co Ar Marriages 1864
2004, VOLUME XII, #3,
Cover photo, Drawing of a School Desk; School District Clerk’s Records, Early 1900’s,Row, I.T.; Obituaries, Becky Jones, Ruby Spencer, Raymond Talbot; Talbot Library and Museum awarded Federal Grant,Conservation Assessment Program; July 2, 2004 by Jean Hurt; Grant Awarded to Talbot Library and Museum to care for Historic Records, Ok.Dept.of Libraries, Model of Archival Administration; Memorials and Donations; When Everything is Relative by Jean Hurt; Tragic Memories Haunt Century Old Beck Mill, 1927 by Vinson Lackey; Descendents of John Carver Anglin by Glenita Guthrie; 1890’s Gleanings; Washington Co.Ar Marriages, 1865
2004, VOLUME XII, #4,
Cover photo, Hildebrand-Beck Mill, Hildebrand-Beck Mill by Ray Stinchcomb, Obituary , Dan D. Draper Jr, Home Demonstration Clubs of Benton Co Ar by Mike Rapp, Teepee Club Home Demonstration Club,Westville, OK; Lucy Jane Moore Ross, Washington Co.Ar
Genealogy of James Moore; Peter Carnahan of Washington Co.Ar; Westville American newspaper, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
School District Clerk’s Records, Early 1900’s, Row I.T., cont’d; A Good Man and A Good Miller by Virgil Talbot
Kurt Stonebraker Memorial; Siloam Springs Ar 1936 phonebook by Don Cundiff
2005, VOLUME XIII, #1,
Cover photo, Virgil and Avis Talbot, Virgil honored by OK Historical Society; What Was Happening When, timeline; Virgil Talbot honored as Historian by Ok.Historical Society; Election Day During Depression by Jean Hurt; Cherokee Hummer, newspaper, Kansas IT 1906, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Early Benton County Ar marriages; A few Ok and I.T. Census Research Aids; Obituary-French G. Lewis; My Story of Siloam Springs, by Rev. C.H. Hatfield; There and Back Again, Arkansas Ozarks, by David McKay Greer
Contribution Campaign donations; Memorial donations; Cincinnati Ar School memories by Dave Curtis; Friendship Quilts, article and photos by Donna Clark and Grace Puffinbarger; Descendents of James R. Russell by Glenita Guthrie
2005, VOLUME XIII, #2,
Cover Photo, Severs & Ballards, Cincinnati Arkansas; Severs and Ballard families,Cincinnati AR by Ann Gardner; Obituary, Richard Talbot; There and Back Again, con’td by David McKay Greer; Descendants of William Parkhurst by Glenita Guthrie; Old Baptist Mission Church, 1950 photo; Rock Springs Ar Pioneer Cemetery; Westville Schools, lst Annual Catalog 1909; Delaware Co.Families, Philpott, Wilkerson; Book Signing at Talbot’s by Bill Welge; The West End of Benton Co Ar; My Town, poem by Aileen Harrison Milsap; The Cherokee Hummer, newspaper, Aug. 1906, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
2005, VOLUME XIII, #3,
Cover photo, A Natural Spring in Delaware County OK; Carter Dalton Genealogy by Glenita Guthrie; There and Back Again, cont’d, by David McKay Greer; Jacob Rapp by Mike Rapp; Poison Antidotes; T.L. & M. Magazine honored with state award by Ok.Museums Assn.
Obituaries, Lula Beck, Aileen Morgan, Dennis C. Hannah; The Longjohns by Jean Hurt; Adair Co.Democrat newspaper, Aug 1907 Teresa Allcorn; Delaware County Families, Hendren, Kelly, Charles Howerton, Harry Shackelford by Dan D.Draper II
2005,VOLUME XIII, #4,
Cover photo, Harrison Family Home, Siloam Springs AR; Delaware County “Grannies”, 1989 photo; Rebuilding Our Delaware Co.Courthouse-Twice by Dale Denney; Obituaries, Audrey May Hurt Wooten, Ira Jay Thurman, Roy Lee Garrett, Lester Gilbreath, Golda Cripps; My Eventful lst Year “in the West” by Phillip Cone Fletcher, contributed by Mike Rapp; All Day Singing and Dinner On the Grounds, by Jean Hurt; Siloam Springs Family Home, Enchanting History by Aileen Harrison Milsap; Old Mill Is Landmark-Old Beck Mill newspaper article; Publication Award to TLM Magazine by OK Museums Assn.; There and Back Again, cont’d, by David McKay Greer; Lively family genealogy by Glenita Guthrie; Westville Record newspaper July 14, 1939
2006, VOLUME XIV, #1,
Cover photo, March 12, 2006 tornado; Delaware County Journal, Jan. 1955, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; 56 year old Friendship Quilt; Contributions to Donation Campaign; Oak Hill Cemetery Burials, Siloam Springs, AR; Gunter, allied families from N.W. Arkansas by Dr Caldeen Gunter; Moseley Ok School 1961 photo, contributed by June Mader Richard; The Mean Granny by Jean Hurt
There and Back Again, cont’d by David McKay Greer; Obituaries, Marion Blagg, Helen Duncan, Billy Ray Wilkerson, Phyllis Hill, Geneva Honea; Bumbalow Genealogy by Glenita Guthrie; Apple Picking, Prairie Grove, Ar, photo
2006, VOLUME XIV #2,
Cover photo, Dedication of Walkingstick Research Room, Talbot’s; Cincinnati Ar Reunion by Glenita Guthrie; Walkingstick Research Room Dedication; Oak Hill Cem, Siloam Springs, Early Burials, by Glenita Guthrie; Our Picnic by Aileen Harrison Milsap
Brothers Looks Sell Huckleberries by Jean Hurt; Spencer Gang by Virgil Talbot; Piney-Some “Firsts” and “Nots” by Terry Rose
Descendants of Moses Paden by Glenita Guthrie; Paden Family Cemetery; Dust in December by Terry Rose; There and Back Again, cont’d by David McKay Greer; Obituary, Otis Fay Cluck; Pleasures of Old Age by Rosa Barnes; Adair Co.Ok National Guard, 1960 photo, Ft.Hood, Texas
2006,VOLUME XIV,#3,
Cover photo, Springtown Ar Schoolhouse, original location; Springtown School finds a new home by Randy Moll; Bobbi Ogden, by Teresa Allcorn; Springtown Schoolhouse Moved, by Donna Clark; Obituaries, Chris W. Brown, Maggie Aldridge Smith; William Pasley Genealogy, by Glenita Guthrie; Oak Hill Cemetery,Siloam Springs, AR burials, by Glenita Guthrie; Old Green School photo, 1936 or 1937,contributed by George Richard; Adair Co Democrat newspaper, Nov.27,1908 contributed by Teresa Allcorn; Where the “Y” by Terry Rose; The Move to Crazy Holler by Jean Hurt; Obituary, Thelma Keith Howerton Barney; A tribute to my Mother by James K. Howerton; Civil War Lectures on Hildebrand Mill
2006,VOLUME XIV, #4,
Cover photo, Burbage Hardware, Row, I.T.; Burbage Family by Donna Clark; Delaware County Ok Merchants 1917
Making Effective Use of Genealogy Library by Donna Clark; Westville, lst and Last Trains by Terry Rose; Hurt named Miss NSU – by Donna Clark; Turkey Grower’s Lament by Jean Hurt; Westville Record, newspaper, Jan.2, 1914 transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
Oak Hill Cemetery,Siloam Springs Ar 1908, by Glenita Guthrie; Oak Hill Cemetery corrections by Debbie Olsen; William Nicholas Yates genealogy by Glenita Guthrie; Gypsy Camp lives on(Siloam Springs,AR) by Don Warden; W.E. White Auction, 1917
ce Storm at Talbot Library and Museum, by Donna Clark
2007,VOLUME XV, #1
Cover photo, Grampa Baxter and daughter; Baxter, Norris and Binns Families by Teresa Allcorn; Oklahoma’s Historical Markers, Adair Co. by Joseph & Burke; Williams Yellow Jackets, almost? By Terry Rose; Top 10 List for Old Ladies, Miracle Cures Hard to Resist by Jean Hurt; Oak Hill Cemetery,Siloam Springs,AR 1909 by Glenita Guthrie; Marble City, I.T. Quarries; Cherokee City Star, Mar 1882 , transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Contribution to Donation Campaign; Obituaries, Edna Shackelford, Dennis West, Susie Cockrell
2007, VOLUME XV,#2,
Cover photo, Eugene Monroe Bartlett; Eugene Monroe Bartlett by Teresa Allcorn; Springtown School Renovation Progress by Donna Clark; Obituaries, Winnie Fern Brown, James Dale Baer; Kansas, Oklahoma 1910 by Donna Clark; John Hyde, by Donna Clark
Dildine Family by Donna Clark; Westville Record,newspaper 1914, by Teresa Allcorn; There and Back Again, cont’d, by David McKay Greer; Storms Bring High Winds and Tall Tails by Jean Hurt; Bushyhead Mountain by Terry Rose; Genealogy, William Fuller by Glenita Guthrie; The Survey- a Change of Attitude by Gary Barnes; Doctors of Gentry Ar, including Dr. Peacock and V.Mayfield Kirby
2007,VOLUME XV, #3
Cover photo, Margaret Shields; Momma Tell ‘bout The Good Ole Days by Terrel Shields; Gingerbread Recipe; Reminiscences of 1930 Colcord by Warren Davis and Mary Davis Wedin and Donna Clark; Brick by Brick Project by Donna Clark; Family of Walker Grover Cleveland Ramsey; Obituaries, Dale Denny, Leroy Chamberlain, Wayne Madill, Edward Bilups, Betty Jo Lamons Bean; Johnson Cemetery history, 1940’s and 1950’s contributed by Jay Hannah; Zeke Proctor a Bad Indian, 1897 New York Times, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Here It is Men, Follow Me by Jean Hurt; Genealogy of Hugh Simpson by Glenita Guthrie; Westville vs Stilwell by Terry Rose; Moving Day Was A Moving Experience by Jean Hurt; Siloam Springs AR class of 1920 photo, contributed by Don Cundiff
2007,VOLUME XV,#4,
Cover photo, The Great Turkey Hunt; The Great Turkey Hunt by Teresa Allcorn; It is Academy Award Time (Ben Johnson ties to Colcord) by Donna Clark; Obituaries, Bill Ruble, Delbert Morgan, Phillip Steele, Deamer Thompson; William Tibbs Family Genealogy by Judy Gamble, and Donna Clark; Country Girl and City Bus by Jean Hurt; Journal Advance newspaper, Jan.10,1908 transcribed by Teresa Allcorn; Early Day Mail Service and Post Offices in the Area by Donna Clark Beck Prairie School by Donna Clark and Teresa Allcorn; Ingersoll’s Grocery, Siloam Springs Ar contributed by Max Freeman; Civil War Claims-Carter Smith; Last Legal Hanging, Washington Co Ar Sept 11,1913, by Glenita Guthrie; Death of Young Man Named Carson, Benton Co.Democrat 189 Descendents of George Burkett, by Glenita Guthrie
2008, VOLUME XVI, #1,
Cover photo, W.L. Cannon family; William Lumpkin Cannon family, by Letty Jo Johnson; How I Fell in Love with Toasty by Jean Hurt
Beck Hildebrand Mill Restoration Progress Report, by R.Stinchomb; School Back in Session(Springtown Schoolhouse Dedication) by Randy Moll, Gentry Courier-Journal; Centerpoint School, by Donna Clark, photo submitted by Gary Dobbs
After the Trail of Tears, my family by Gary Dobbs, Boring, Oregon; “A Charming Odyssey” by Walter Sturdivan, (inc.Cherokee City Ar and Colcord Ok memories); Life is Pleasant at Beckwith, 1968 Tulsa newspaper article; “Annie Talbot” naming contest, Colcord Elementary School/Talbot Library and Museum; Obituaries, Kenneth D. Porter, Karen Londagin, Gary E. Tunnell; Responses to Talbot’s Annual Contributions Campaign of 2007; Talbot’s 2008 Easter Egg Hunt; Descendants of William Cantrell, by Glenita Guthrie
2008, VOLUME XVI, #2,
Cover photo, W.T. Poston tombstone; Tragic Story of Simon Sager, publ. in 1899, Siloam Springs AR by Teresa Allcorn; Simon Sager’s Traveling Table,(Arthur and Lela Summers Shields) by Teresa Allcorn; Hico Cemetery, Siloam Springs, AR by Teresa Allcorn
Obituaries, Shirley June Willis, Coy Wofford, Lester Dean Hughes, Beulah England, James R.”Russ”Randolph; Descendants of William Poston by Glenita Guthrie; Odle Log Cabin historical marker, Valley Mills, TX; Poston-Odle Cemetery, Valley Mills, TX by Betty Wood
Bob Baker, Talbot’s Board member, to be honored by Oklahoma Museums Assn, as “Volunteer of the Year”; Oklahoma Historians Hall of Fame Medallion, posthumously given to Virgil Talbot, accepted by Glenn Stinchcomb; Recollections of an Arkansas Traveler, by David McKay Greer; Looking for Stories (Lake Eucha/Dripping Springs/Natural Falls State Park by Tyler Tapps, Oklahoma State University; Carter Londagin honored National American Indian Science Fair
2008, VOLUME XVI, #3,
Cover photo, Carnes School; Carnes School, and Carnes family, Delaware Co. OK by Ray Stinchcomb/Donna Clark
Senior Citizens+Instruction Manuals=Confusion by Jean Hurt; Bob Baker receives OMA award, September 26 Annual state Meeting
Obituaries, John Marvin Hurt, Letty; Jay Bird School, Benton Co.AR; Some Personal Recollections, (Westville,OK 1920’s-1940’s) by Buell Childress; Descendants of David James Edmiston by Glenita Guthrie; Grandma’s Box by Teresa Allcorn (Whiteside and Trammell families)
2008, VOLUME XVI, #4,
Cover photo, Assorted Past Issues of “T.L. &M. Genealogy Magazine”; New book by local author, Jean Hurt=”Growing Up R.I.C.H.,Raised in Crazy Hollow”; Announcement of Booksigning event, Feb.15,2009 by Jean Hurt; Springtown Schoolhouse 1924-2006, by Dolores Cash White; Obituaries, Lorene Ann Tillery, Berton Dale Griffin, Donice Jones,Virginia Madeline Galbraith Spears Cox Gibson, Donna Porter Cannon; Washington Co.AR Commissions in the Territorial Militia submitted by Glenita Guthrie
Basic Steps in Researching=Re: Cherokee, materials at Talbot Library and Museum, by Donna Clark; T.L.&M. Genealogy Magazine, list of contents of past issues 1993-2007; Interview with Andrew Thompson,1970, by James W.Tyner submitted by Teresa Allcorn
Descendants of John Haws by Glenita Guthrie
2009, VOLUME XVII, #1,
Cover photo, Forest Park Hotel, Siloam Springs, AR; Nettie Mabel Jenkins Linam, by Donna Clark; Forest Park Resort/AKA Lake Frances, by Terry Rose; Forest Park Project, $100,000 New Development, by Teresa Allcorn
Genealogy—Wilson Frank Medearis, by Glenita Guthrie; Hinds Family Connection; Looking Back(Another Delaware Fades into History-Dodge)by Dan D.Draper II; Book Signing, February 15, 2009 Jean Hurt; Responses TL& M Annual Contributions Campaign of 2008; Obituaries=Eufa King Riley Nichols, “Dean”Davis, Christi Hickman Coleman, Jack Gibby,Lorene Bishop,R.C.”Carter” Smith
2009, VOLUME XVII, #2,
Cover photo, Young Ladies of the Chamberlain Community; Nanyehi, Beloved Woman of the Cherokees by Becky Hobbs
Young Ladies of Chamberlain Community, by Donna Clark; Obituaries=Alva Linam, Ramona “Tabby” Kustanborter, Clara Owens, Mattie “Nadine” Jones, Major James E. Gibson; Christopher Jordan by Teresa Allcorn; Grace Puffinbarger honored by Kansas OK schools; Remembering Cecil Feemster by Austin Feemster; Close Encounters with the Wildlife by Jean Hurt
Stories told by the old folks, by James Gibson
2009, VOLUME XVII, #3,
Cover photo, “Fort Illinois, Fort Wayne, Old,Old Fort Wayne” historical marker; Old, Old Ft.Wayne by Teresa Allcorn
Military Experience, by Allen Lamont; Obituaries=John”Buck”Smith, Leota Silcox, Reba Swicegood, Elva Draper, Lloyd”Randy”Cockrell, Joyce Hurt, Bobbie Ogdon, Carol Morgan Sumpter; Donations from David Hampton; Benton County AR men served in Important Engagements in Cherokee Territory by Will Plant, 1950’s; Dorothy Tincup Mauldin, late researcher and genealogist; What is a Dragoon ? by Teresa Allcorn; Hoover-Highfill School, Benton County, AR by Glenita Guthrie; Hoover School 1903 class photo; Courts and Crimes of Washington County, AR by Glenita Guthrie; Stories told by old folks by James E. Gibson
Gentry High School Class of 1927 by Teresa Allcorn; Genealogy- William Wyley Smith by Glenita Guthrie; Talbot Library and Museum Honors and Awards
2010, VOLUME XVIII, #1,
Cover photo, “Sketch of Talbot Library and Museum”; Responses to Annual Campaign Fund; Obituaries=Jim Holland, Imogene Cockrell, Elsie Eads Willis Edwards, Margaret White; Stories told by Old Folks by Gene Gibson; Siloam Springs Rainbow Girl Program
“Uncle Zack” Baker by Glenita Guthrie; Content ofs 2008 and 2009 T.L. & M Magazine by Donna Clark; Health Care by Jean Hurt
1990-2010, 20 year anniversary of Talbot Library & Museum by Donna Clark; Right Place by A.D. Lester; Farley Genealogy by Glenita Guthrie
2010, VOLUME XVIII, #2,
Cover photo, Sequoyah School, Delaware Co. Ok; Sequoyah School by Teresa Allcorn; Visit from Governor Kerr by Teresa Allcorn
Foyle Howerton by Donna Clark; 3rd grade students,Colcord Elementary, visit Talbot’s; 1872 Letter by Thornton Smith Talbot
Obituaries, Elsie Reading, John Henry Carter, Darrel D. Ross, Randy Jeffries, Betty Jeffries Reece, Gene Quarles; “Notes on Transportation”, True West magazine Aug.1973; Talbot’s 20th Anniversary Celebration by Donna Clark; Stories told by the Old Folks by Eugene Gibson; John Russell Genealogy by Glenita Guthrie; Westville Bank robbed 1930; Bargain Books and Brick Project order form
2010, VOLUME XVIII, #3,
Cover photo, Joseph Newton Thompson & Julia Ward Thompson; Early Settlers of Moseley Prairie, Thompson family by Donna Clark
Info. From Dawes Applications, Joseph Newton Thompson; Dr Lewis Stiles July 17,2010 Book Review & Goingsnake Society Meeting
The Life and Times of Cynthia Beck by Allcorn and Clark; Obituaries, Bernice Swicegood, Brice Swicegood, Alma Hutchins, Joe Bill Hall,Carol Kirby Carter, Dorothy Barnwell, Irene Blagg Smith, Mildred Saunders Shelley, Doyle Washington, Morris Pittman
Bus Tour by Cherokee Nation Commerce Dept. to Talbot’s, Sept. 2010
2011, VOLUME XIX, #1,
Cover photo, Crawford Goldsby aka Cherokee Bill,and his mother, Ellen Beck Goldsby Lynch; Ellen Beck & Her Outlaw Kith and Kin, by Allcorn and Clark; Ellen Beck Lineage, by Allcorn and Clark; Delaware County School Records; Surviving the Bad Economy by Jean Hurt; A Tribute to My Brother, by Jean Hurt; Obituries, Johnnie Van Fleet, Bessie Lou Guinn, Alva Ray Hurt, Velma Linn Chambers, James R.”Dick”Murray, Irene Tevebaugh, Lemuel Cripps, Patricia Louise Griscom, Jerald Phelan, Charley Ray Baker, Rex D. England
Puzzle is Solved, Essay Medal Goes Home by Glenita Guthrie; Responses to Annual Donor Campaign; Murrie Genealogy, by Glenita Guthrie; Flood 1892 Siloam Springs, by Fred Bartell; Have You Ever Wished A Tree Could Talk by Gary Barnes; History of Cincinnati by Fannie Dodson Seward
2011, VOLUME XIX, #2
Cover Photo, Union Soldier, 6th Kansas Cavalry and James Beaty Whiteside,the Old Confederate; Pre Oklahoma Statehood Letters & Documents Collection; New Fence at Talbot Library and Museum by Donna Clark; Old Settler’s Day, June 2011, by Donna Clark
Correspondence Corrections by Donna Clark; Union Soldier, 6th Kansas Cavalry, William W. Clark by Donna Clark; James Beaty Whiteside by Teresa Allcorn; Captain George Gibson, Civil War Experiences by Deanna Gibson; Obituaries, Ida Mae Linn, Marshall Randolph; Table of Contents for T.L. & M., 2010 issue; John K. P. Dobson, Confederate; Barnes family by Gary Barnes
Great Mattress Making Project by Teresa Allcorn; Cincinnati AR Reunion; Health Care by Jean Hurt; Flint Creek, Watershed of the Ozark Borderland by Shirley Willis
2011, VOLUME XIX,#3 Cover Photo, Ab Beck and his tombstone Ab Beck, by Elzie Cherry Book Presentation, “Confederate Soldiers Benton & WA Co.AR” Historic Beck Prairie Cemetery, by Donna Clark Interesting Burials at Beck Prairie by Donna Clark Watts, OK by A.D.Lester Barnes Family by Gary Barnes Obituaries; Buster Allcorn, Eula Holland, Carl Brown, Will M.& Nelva Ramsey Lacy Howard Lott by Teresa Allcorn Confederate Home of Oklahoma at Ardmore(Rollman/Box families) Long Tramp (Elizabeth Ramsey, AR 1862)
2012, VOLUME XX, #1 Cover Photo, A.J. Hawk Home, 1908, 2011 TLM Genealogy Publication contents, Colcord Church of Christ celebrates 100 years, Walter H. Helmerich III, Obituaries:Travis Ellis, Lurana Duncan, Barney Wilkerson, Jason Shackelford, Jerral Shelley, Elzie Caywood, Dustin Chamberlain, Gene Bird; Donation to Museum of side saddle by Bud Edmondson family;Responses to 2011 Annual Donor Campaign Fund, The Hawks Family of Springtown, AR by Teresa Allcorn, Old Settlers Day, by Donna Clark, Elzie Ronald Caywood family by Donna Clark, The Cherokee Hummer, by Teresa Allcorn, J. F. Bates, genealogy, by Glenita Guthrie, Descendants of James Alexander Bates, by Glenita Guthrie
VOLUME XX, #2, 2012, Cover Photo: Joseph Beck’s Masonic Apron, 1860’s, Clear Fork and Mick Dundom by Teresa Allcorn, History of Colcord Gyms, by Donna Clark, True Adventures of Civil War, by Bill Panter, Old Settlers Day & Sam Sixkiller Booksigning by Donna Clark, Obituaries: Chandler”Bub”Gunter, Teddie Maxine Brannan Scott, Leroy Gatewood, Virginia Londagin, Carl W. England, Bessie Cornelison, Goingsnake Meeting,July 2012 by Donna Clark, Joseph Beck’s Masonic Apron by Donna Clark, John David Moore, by Jean Moore
VOLUME XX, #3, 2012, Cover Photo: Pension Papers of John Wadigoo, Having a Senior Moment by Jean Hurt, History of Delaware District, Harriet Potter Linn Burgin, by Donna Clark, Ameican Legion Auxiliary, Colcord,OK by Donna Clark, Obituaries: Mary Amos, Lee Foreman, Clara Nichols, Gerald Griscom, Ruth E. Lawrence,Zachary Riley, Richard Tillery, Melvin Gene Fleig,Norman James Linam, Lois M. Elmore; Thompson Cemeteries, #1 & #2, Delaware Co.OK by Mike Freels, Fairmount Facts & Frazzles, John Wadigoo/Parchmeal/Parchcorn by Donna Clark, Downum and Ennis Genealogy, Part 1 by Gene Norris, New Sidewalk Addition, Talbot’s, by Donna Clark
VOLUME XXI, #1, 2013
Cover Photo: William Wiley Obadiah Wilson; William Wiley Obadiah Wilson by Teresa Allcorn;
TL & M Genealogy Magazine, 2012 List of Contents;
Responses to TL& M Contributions Campaign;
Watts, OK Milling Company;
Downum and Ennis Genealogy, Part 2 by Gene Norris;
Obituaries: Mark Ghormley, Hazel Cantrell, Leonard Woods,Freeman Fletcher, Pearl Joyce Ramsey,James I. Douthit;
Cincinnati AR Masonic Lodge, by Glenita Guthrie;
Trip to Younger’s Bend by Donna Clark and Teresa Allcorn;
Schedule of Upcoming Events; Some Odd Jobs by Jean Hurt;
Esther Hoyt Ward by Dr Caldeen Gunter;
Roller Skating by Jean Hurt; Memories by Gary Barnes
VOLUME XXI, #2, 2013
Cover Photo: Cincinnati(AR)United Methodist Church;
1951 Cherokee Assemble at Old Shrine, 1925, Where Missionary Founded Orphanage;
Recent Donated Items to Museum(from Sue Parham family). by Donna Clark;
Roller Skating by Jean Hurt;
Young Farmer Ambushed,John W. Murray;
1908 Colcord, OK;
Class of 1932 and Prophecy by Donna Clark;
Obituaries: Juanita Hendren, Frances Marie Duncan, Daisy Blagg, Donna Mae Barnes, Linda Bramwell, Doyle Lee Guthrie, Wendell Kirby;
Barnes Family Chuckles,Stories and Facts by Gary Barnes;
Odd Jobs by Jean Hurt; Henry Covel Holderman by D. Bruce Howell;
James Robinson, MD by Glenita Guthrie;
Cincinnati United Methodist Church by Glenita Guthrie;
Bryant Family Information by Teresa Allcorn;
Cherokee Citizens Living in IT, 1840’s by Donna Clark;
1941 Westville News by Glenita Guthrie;
American Legion Post 277,Colcord Oklahoma by Donna Clark
VOLUME XXI#3, 2013
Cover photo: Polly Roughton,Norton Burbage,Myrtle Thompson @1930
American Legion Post #280 by Jay Hannah
American Legion Post #277 by Donna Clark
July Goingsnake Meeting by Donna Clark
Renovated Gasoline Pumps by Donna Clark
New Saddle Display by Donna Clark
Martin Crittenden, Wilson Brothers, Grace Barnett Bailey,
Obituaries: Belva “Polly”Adaline Willis Meade, Elizabeth Elaine Thurman, Dorotha Dottie Potter, Priscilla McGarrah, Betty Starr Barker, Idabell Cherry Chamberlain, J.D.Johnson, Kenneth D. Cantrel,Janna Sue Londagin Baker, Roger C. Kirk= Eulogy.
Commemorative Postmark,
Colcord,OK-Annual Old Settlers Day 2014
The Friends Trace by Terrel Shields
Responses to 2013 Annual Campaign Fund
T.L. & M. Genealogy Magazine,contents of Volume XXI 2013 Issues
13th Annual Cherokee Ancestry Conference, Tahlequah, OK
George P. Ballard’s Cincinnati Connections
Cover photo: 1924 Cheyenne Wyoming Rodeo Cowgirls
Toots Griffith, by Donna Clark and Glenita Guthrie
Camp Babcock and the Battle that never was by Terrell Shields
Pioneer Piano at Stilwell 1936
Items from Gentry Journal Advance Newspapers, October 1920
“Nanyehi” the story of Nancy Ward, musical play by Donna Clark
Kate Carselowey(Catherine Emory 1858-1930) by Donna Clark
1894 and 1903 Carselowey family photos
Obituaries: Robert Bob M Peterson, Cecil Dwayne”Nane”Thurman, Anna Lorene Reed Thurman, John David”Jeff” Bunnell, Troy E. Roberts, Irvin Welch Palone, Viola R. Walker
Ozark and Cherokee Central Railroad by Mike Condren
Ozark and Cherokee Central Railroad by Glenita Guthrie
The Coburn Orchard, from Fairmount Memories Blog by Teresa Allcorn
Help Needed, Beck Prairie Cemetery,Delaware Co.OK maintainence
VOLUME XXII # 3, 2014:
Cover photo: Former Residence of Cincinnati AR Carves Niche in History
Quilt Raffle information
Local Diary 80 years old (Gentry AR)
Former Residence of Cincinnati AR Carves Niche in History “Otto Red Anderson by Dorothy Glenn, Jaunita Wilson ,Glenita Randolph Guthrie
Home Brew by Jean Hurt
The Tale of the Rose-Covered Chocolate Pot by Gayle Campbell
Obituaries: Veda Belle Nowlin, Wilma Van Fleet, Tony Ray Amos, Bill Ray Anderson, Barbara Ann Kindle, Sam Barnes, Floyd”Pugar” Woods, Richard Harris, Faye Asilene Florer, Faye Marie Davie Neal, Gordon B. Cummings
Association of Descendents of Nancy Ward meeting announcement
J.I. Case Thresher Donated to Talbot Library and Museum
The Census Takes of Benton County, Arkansas 1900 by Teresa Allcorn
New Books in Bookstore by Walter S. Sturdivan
VOLUME XXIII # 1, 2015:
TL&M Update by Donna Clark
Historical Gold Watch from Duncan Family Donated to Gilcrease Museum by Donna Clark
Red Clou’s Watch Timed Early Vinita by Will Drew
Watch With a History by Will Drew
A Brief Duncan Family History by Will Drew
The Chastain’s Uncivil War: “A Fight for Survival in a Border State” by Terrel Shields
The Disappearance of Charles Farnsworth by Teresa Allcorn
A Cincinnati Girl: Politics, Religion, and Me by Samantha Barnes Paul
Responses to 2014 Annual Campaign Fund: Thank you to donors!
TL&M Genealogy Magazine Subject Contents 2014 by Donna Clark
Welcome to Genealogy: A Few Recommended Resources
Obituaries: Elizabeth Maxine Pharr Tillery, Helen Glenn Londagin, Billie Dale Ezell, Wanda Jean Ramsey, Stella Llanona Bunnell, Carolyn Ann “Poochie” Duncan, Ralph Stewart Glenn, Jack McCoy, Louise Guinn, Clara Irene Jones,
The Flop Ear’d Mule: Told to Bobby Jack and Shirley Spears by Albert Reed; Written by Shirley Spears
New Research Resources in Walkingstick Research Room, Talbot Library and Museum by Donna Clark
Friendship School #119, Benton County, Arkansas by Glenita Guthrie
New Books on the Shelf: Cherokee Reference Grammar; The Cherokee Struggle to Maintain Identity in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Memorial Service for Don L. Shadburn
Book Reviews by Donna Clark
VOLUME XXIII # 2, 2015:
Clyde Scranton, A Man at Home With Nature by Teresa Allcorn
Six Test Pits Excavated At Turner Cave, Wednesday October 15, 1969
Zachariah Baker by Terrel Shields
Cincinnati AR Old School Newspaper
Did Virgil Talbot Fully Understand What He Began? by Keri Parker
Scales Cemetery, Colcord, OK, Delaware County by Martha Scales
Think Miracle by Walter Sturdivan
The Journal Advance and Gentry Index, Gentry, Benton County, AR, Valentine Party, Friday, February 24, 1922
Obituaries Barbara Ann Duncan Huggins, John Oliver "J.O." Thomason, Donnie Dee Kirby, Shirley Ann Wofford, Helen Louise Lacy, Billy "Bill" Earp, Drexel M. Hall, Louise "Louie" Audrey Thomas, Robert Lee Brown, Samantha Kay Paul, Billy Dean Buckley, Thomas Napolitano, Lulu Lee Morris Boggs, Betty Joyce Hess Smith, Carole Ann Richmond
Obituary: Emma Jean Hendrickson Hurt
How I Fell in Love With Toasty by Jean Hurt
It No Fun Getting Old by Jean Hurt
Where is Ann's Mill? by Terrel Shields
Merry Christmas From Talbot Library & Museum by Teresa Allcorn
Cherokee Holiday
Chamberlain School, Delaware County, Oklahoma - Records Donated by Donna Clark
Row-Colcord Post Office, Talbot Library and Museum by Donna Clark
1958 Pet Milk Newsletter
Snodgrass Genealogy: The Family of James William and Winnie Bradley Snodgrass; Mary Francis Snodgrass; Margaret Jane Snodgrass; John Phillip Snodgrass; Thomas Lafayette Snodgrass; Martha Alice Snodgrass; James William Snodgrass, Jr.;George Washington Snodgrass; Amanda Florence Snodgrass; Winnie Lou Snodgrass; Elnora (Note) Snodgrass; Emma D. Snodgrass; Anna Augusta Snodgrass
New Books On The Shelf - Donna Clark
Book Reviews, Donna Clark
Volume XXIV, #1:
Cover: Nix family 1920’s Sycamore Community, Delaware Co.OK
My memories of the Nix Family Reunion by Ashley Vann
Civil Tragedy-Unionist Family Raided by Both Sides, by Terrell Shields
In Collection: early 1900’s Elgin Pocket Watch by Teresa Allcorn
In Collection: Official Guide to the Klondyke Country and Gold Fields of Alaska, book. by Donna Clark
Contents of 2015 T.L. & M. Genealogy Magazine issues
Responses to 2015 Campaign Donor Fund, by Donna Clark
Obituaries: B. Dunlap, R. Hurt, B. Smith, V. Richard, M. Wilmoth, E. Myers
Jacob Rapp’s 80th Birthday in 1933 by Mike Rapp
A Cincinnati Girl: Politics, Religion and Me by Samantha Barnes Paul
The Sweet Potato Dryer by Gary Barnes
Christian Sager loses his Claim by Terrel Shields
Bond of Loyalty to the United States by Terrel Shields
James Nichols 19th Century Home Liniment Recipes by Terrel Shields
Seeking Pardon After the War by Terrel Shields
Excerpts from “Riding on the Wind”book .by Norman Baer
The Grand Old Pioneer Doctor Robert L. Sellers, Westville, OK
Doctors of Cincinnati AR by Gary Barnes
Scrapbook obits by Lillie Smith
Book Reviews
Report on Jack & Pat Fletcher program at Talbot’s April 20, 2016
Volume XXIV, #2:
Cover: Dr. James E. Spencer, Harmony Springs Colony, Benton Co.AR
Chamber Springs School District, Benton County AR by Eva Sisk Hall
A History of Osie & Ruth Stinchcomb by Sheri Stinchcomb Sharp
Harmony Springs Colony, Benton Co. AR by Terrel Shields
Recent Donations, Rawlings Basketball Score Bk, 1944, Colcord, OK; Row Cemetery Record Books, by Donna Clark
James Franklin Ledbetter, by Donna Clark
Gid Graham, book=”Animal Outlaws, Thrilling Accounts of Heroic Animals” book and note donated
Christmas Humor poem, submitted by Donna Clark
Photo Album , Eunice Harp Jones, submitted by Kenneth Jones
Honor Roll, Delaware County, OK WW II, Part 1 by Teresa Allcorn
Old Menu’s of the Youree Café, Siloam Springs, AR
The Barnes Family by Alice Ann Askew
Harp Family Genealogy, by Glenita Guthrie
Brick Order Form, and recently installed memorial bricks, Talbot Library and Museum
Obits: V. Perry, J. Faulkner, Jeri Wood, T. Cates, L. Londagin, D. Harmon
New Books On the Shelf and Book Reviews by Donna Clark
Uncle Rock by Terrel Shields (Aaron Anderson Van Winkle)
Easter Egg hunt photos, April 13, 2017
A Mill By Any Other Name, by Terrel Shields
Photos of Benton County AR and area Mills
Correcting the Record by Terrel Shields (Jehu Chastain)
By Benton Family by Nell Murray
Photo of Alice Benton Dedman
Stage Robbery near Tahlequah, June 14, 1894
Honor roll of Delaware County Ok World War II Veterans, Part 2, by Teresa Allcorn
Thank You, and photos , New Life Ranch Volunteers March, 2017
T.L.& M. Genealogy Magazine,Contents of Past Issues, 2016
Responses to Donor Campaign Fund, 2016
Obits: M. Larmon, L. Lawson, F. Porter, G. Hurt, S. Luttrell, E. Cripps, C. Londagain, M. Linn, J. Partain, L. Kendrick, G. Longcrier, B. Rutherford
The Yankees Pay A Visit by Doyle Barnes (Cincinnati AR 1862)
A Place Called Harrell by Doyle Barnes, and photos (Harrell Cemetery, Cincinnati AR)
Recent Donation to Talbot Library & Museum-Goingsnake Massacre 1872, maps and information, by Walter Krit & Rise Proctor
Jayhawking Jennison by Terrel Shields
Colcord 3rd Grade visit to Talbot Library & Museum, and photos, April 2017
Early Steer Ropers,N.E. Oklahoma, 1947 publication by Donna Clark
James Oates Wagon Factory and photos by Catherine “Cat” Hellman
Bright Interview, Indian Pioneer Papers-John H. Bright, Westville OK 1937
Douthit Interview,Indian Pioneer Papers-James Douthit, 1937
Photos-Cherokee Genealogy Conference,Tahlequah,June 2017; Old Settlers Day,Colcord, June 2017
Book Reviews by Donna Clark
Cover: Becky Hobbs and Imogene Veach Beals, July 18,2009 Talbot Library and Museum
Photo, Taylor School sign donated to Talbot Library & Museum, by Clayton Turner
Premier Rodeo Historian, Imogene Veach Beals, by Gail Hughbanks Woerner, and photos
Obituary of Imogene Veach Beals
Colcord On The Move, by D. Bruce Howell
The Most Desperate Characters That Ever Invaded Indian Territory, and photos by Terrel Shields
Congratulations Grace , and photo-Grace Puffinbarger award
Kansas Masonic Lodge#252 photo, donation to Talbot Library and Museum
Snake & Frog Legs, by Keri Parker
Obits: R. Hamilton, R. Allen, L. Ellis, W. Chamberlain, H. Doughty, S. Parham,C. Bramlett, C. Coe,L. Scranton, D. King
Gentry Journal Advance, January 26,1923-transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
Photo, National Trail of Tears Conference, Pocola, OK October 2017
Quilt Donation and photos, from Mary Chivers to Talbot Library & Museum, July 2017
Goingsnake District Heritage Assn. Meeting and photos, Talbot Library & Museum, July 2017
1882 Tornado and Obituary, by Teresa Allcorn (Cherokee City AR, Wm. Whitten)
Interview with Edgmon, Allen B, Indian Pioneer Papers, March 16, 1938
104 year Old Colcord Letter Connects Great-Grandsons to Historic Oklahoman, Charles F. Colcord and Helmerich Brothers, by Randy Krehbiel, Tulsa World, January 2017
The Butterfly and Yet So Near; Poems by Sue Parham and photo
New Books on The Shelf, Talbot Library and Museum
Book Reviews by Donna Clark
VOLUME XXVI #1, 2018:
Cover Photo: January brothers, Lee, Henry,Walter, Bill and Dave
January family, by Teresa Allcorn
Showcase donated to Talbot’s
T.L.&M Genealogy Magazine, Contents of Past Issues,2017,Vol #, Vol.#2
The Shacklefords of Kansas,OK ,1995 article by Dan Draper
Slab Off Community History, 1997 article by Dan Draper
Music,Cincinnati,AR Historical Researchers, by Gary Barnes
New Life Ranch,Colcord,OK celebrates 60 Years, by Donna Clark
Summers AR School Photo, 1920’s
Colcord Riding Club,History and Update, by Donna Clark
23rd Psalm For Genealogists, poem
Stone Carving Found on Local Property, Gary Williamson,
Clarence Lee “Jim” Downing (artist and sculptor) obituary
Responses to Donor Annual Campaign Fund, 2017
“Daily Routine for Ages 85 and 90” poem by Jean Hurt
Obituaries: Dorothy”Dot”Woods, Frankie Allen, Loretta McMillan, Donna”Jane”Howerton Mickel, Ruby”Rose” Stauber, Dr. Guy W. Logsdon, Patrica Donahoe Richards, Dusty Richards, Carl J.Kindle, Jerry O. Surles, Phyllis D. Earp
Inquiry: @ Matthias McGirk from Walt McQuie
Adam Lacy, Lacy Cemetery, Westville, OK, by A.D. Lester 1966
Descendants of William T. Edgmon by Glenita Guthrie (Edgemon Interview published Issue #2,2017)
Historical Factoids about Northeastern Oklahoma & Northwestern Arkansas by Terrel Shields
Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf
VOLUME XXVI #2, 2018
Cover Photo: Ray Stinchcomb 1928-2018
George Monroe Hagan: Pioneer in Education( Adair County, OK) by Luke Williams
T.L.&M Original Board of Trustee member, Ray Stinchcomb passes away at age 89
Remembering Our Roots (Ambrose McGhee & Judith Cochran family) by Janie McGhee-Cook
“I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” poem by Jean Hurt
Obituaries: David L. Cannon, Henry”Howard” Porter, Everett “Dannie” Amos, Nellie “Sue” Hurt, Roger Dale Silcox, Grace Porter Wolf, Phyllis “Sharon” Okerson Wood, Billy Dowd, Clark Trent Ellis, Loreta Allen Yeager, Elda “Bo” Mae Allen, Carolyn”Arlene” Keeter Smith
Derek Clark, Colcord,OK, 2018 Rodeo Hall of Fame Inductee
Moving To Oregon by Norman”Mannie Baer
Russell Randolph and Mrs Roy Baer, 1952 Sale Bill, Cincinnati, Arkansas
Swicegood Gamily, transcribed by Donna Clark
Edmondson Family of Benton County AR and recent 1928 tractor donation
Colcord FFA Class, Photo of a vintge tractor delivered to Talbot’s for storage
Edward England family Genealogy(inc. Wingfield and Rutherford family)
The Edmondson Family of Cherokee Nation/Delaware County, Oklahoma by Donna Clark
Journal Advance,Gentry, AR, March 1924, articles transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
Brick Order form, Book Reviews, New Books on the Shelf (Walkingstick Research Room,Talbot Library)
VOLUME XXVII, #1, 2019
Cover: Model of Conklin Hardware Store, Colcord, OK
Photos of Easter Egg Hunt, April 19, 2019
Conklin Hardware Store, by Betty Conklin, inc .photos
Model of Conklin Hardware Store, made by Paul Lantzer
Donated by James D. Conklin, inc. photos
Mary Dosha Smith by Andrea Squires, genealogy and photos
Responses to 2018 Donor Campaign Fund
Poems by Virgil Talbot from his book “In the Shadows of the Hills”
The Gene Johnson Gang, by Terrel Shields,
T.L.& M. Genealogy Magazine, Contents of back issues, 2018
Who was Arizona Clark? By Terrel Shields, inc. photos
Goingsnake Messenger and T.L.& M. Genealogy publications, Back Issues For Sale
Journal-Advance Newspaper,Gentry,Benton County, AR, 1924 articles
By Teresa Allcorn
Life in the Cherokee Nation, reprinted from “The Talbot’s Centuries of Service” 1982 book by Virgil Talbot
Westville’s Picnics of Yesteryear, reprinted from The Westville Reporter in 1984 by Virgil Talbot
Rodeo Begins Today, 1958 ad from Stilwell OK Democrat
Cemeteries, taken from “A History of Lincoln, AR 1884-1994 by Berlene Hilton
Some West Family News Items,1905-1914, transcribed from Adair County Democrat by Virgil Talbot
Five Tribes Ancestry Conference,Tahlequah,OK Sept.19-21,2019 advertisement
Obituraries: Gilbreath, Mooney, Pendergraft, Shackelford
1941 Junior & Senior Class photo, Cincinnati, Arkansas
Book Series Review: “Records of the Moravians Among the Cherokees” by Gary White
Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf( Walkingstick Research Library)
VOLUME XXVII, #2, 2019
Cover: World War I, 100th Anniversary logo
The United States Enters World I, submitted by Donna Clark
Veterans Day 2019
The Supreme Sacrifice, WWI Casualties from Benton and Washington Counties in Arkansas and Delaware and Adair Counties in Oklahoma, compiled by Teresa Allcorn
Recent donation to Museum: quilt presented to Justine Potter, 1982,inc. photo
World War I Veteran, James M. Easley, by Terry Rose, Westville, Oklahoma, inc. photos
Osie Stinchomb WW I, by Sheri Stinchcomb Sharp, inc. photos
World War I Veteran, Payton Edward “Doc” Hurt, by Gerald Hurt, inc. photos
World War I Soldiers of Delaware County OK, listed in “Heritage of the Hills”Delaware Co.History book 1980
Veterans of World War I, buried in Row Cemetery, Colcord, Delaware Co. OK, also Allen Cemetery
Walter Eugene Marshall, by Levetie Beck Marshall; W.W.I Soldier, excerpt from “Pioneer Families, 1830-1985, Row-Colcord, Oklahoma
Those Who Served in World War I with Cincinnati, AR Roots by Gleneita Randolph Guthrie & Shirley Spears
Cherokee National Holiday, Tahlequah, OK August 30, 31, 2019, inc. photos
George Washington Walker’s Four Wives, by Andrea Squires, genealogy and photos
Obituaries: Thurman Shrum, Beck, Dowd, Lankford, Buckley Davis, Balbaugh, Londagin, Woodruff, Harper, Crittenden, McCoy, Trammell Brown
Robbing the Southwest City, MO Bank by Terrel Shields
Recent Donations to Talbot Library & Museum: Native American artifacts from Carl Reherman estate
History of the Springtown AR Church of Christ by Luedeke Family
The Cherokee Community of the Inland Empire(CA.) Representatives, visit Talbot’s, inc. photo
Rodeo Historical Society Annual Hall of Fame Awards: Doug Clark, honoree
New Books on Shelf,” Walkingtick Research Library “and Book Reviews
Cover: Photo of First class of Union School 1912, Delaware Co. OK
Photo of First Place Award winning display by Talbot Library and Museum, Western Writers of America Book Display Contest
“The Garrett/Stinchcomb House”, by Sheri Stinchcomb Sharp
Back Issues of T.L.& M. and Goingsnake Messenger Publications For Sale
“Prelude to Tragedy” (Trail of Tears) Gen. Winfield Scott & John Ross, 1838, by D. Bruce Howell
“Arkansas, Oklahoma & Western Railroad”, Benton Co., AR by Terrell Shields w/photos
Responses to 2019 Donor Campaign Fund
Contents of Past Issues of T. L. & M. Magazine, 2019
“Civil War Confederate Soldier, Joseph P. Hill, 1841-1920”, Row Cemetery, by Donna Clark
Obituary of Mary Hoose Kirby, 1937-2020
“George Franklin Sims/Simms & Sarah Delilah Cornelison Family,” Delaware Co. OK by Donna Clark
‘The Delaware Tribune,(Kansas,OK) Oct. 14, 1910” Row, OK, transcribed by Donna Clark
Map of Row, OK and identification of buildings
Obituaries: Norman Baer, Marsha Kirby, Kenneth Owens, Wilma Chamberlin Reese ,Barbara Glenn Hester, Joe “Jake” Barnes, Wm “Bill” Crites, Doyle A. Baer, Charles Chamberlin
Photo of OPAA Food Management Directors meeting at Talbot’s, Nov. 2019
Resources List of Talbot Library and Museum
“The Decatur Herald (AR), December 1963”, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
Ad for Dr. E.N. McCollum new clinic, Decatur AR from Decatur Herald newspaper
“Historical Preservation Project: Flint Valley Farm & Union Church”, Delaware Co. OK by Jessica Studdard
Photos to accompany above article
“Droke School Which Is No More”, Benton Co. AR, by Glenita Guthrie
Photos of students of Droke School, 1941-1942
Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf
Cover: photo of Jay Hannah
‘Robbing Banks on Horseback’ 1919-1920, by Terrell Shields
“George Ballard, Forgotten Fayetteville (AR) Poet “by J. B. Hogan
“In Pursuit of Presidents and Principal Chiefs” by Jay Hannah
Ad for Used Books available on Talbot Online Bookstore
“Chamberlain Family Genealogy ,Descendants of Francis William Chamberlain”, book donated by Henry Chamberlain family
Obituaries: Charles Winn, Larry Griffin, Wayne Denny, Jimmie Williamson, Merrilyn Shelley Martin, Dotty Gage Saegert, Patricia Evans, Ina Mae Smith, Kenneth Crain, Mary Linam Highfill, Patsy Reese Snyder
“Unique Antique Quilts on Display at the Talbot Library & Museum” with photos
Historical Preservation Award to Talbot’s from Cherokee Nation Community & Cultural Outreach Organization , with photo
“The Dusty Richards Research Book Collection” donation, with photos
List of books from this Collection added to the Walkingstick Research Library, Talbot Library & Museum
Announcement that Donations may now be made on the website,
“Lookin’ Back, Fred Mills and Lloyd Mitchell, Community Leaders” by Dan Draper, 1999
“An Interesting Item from Talbot Library and Museum Archives, Richard Lee Qualls” book, by Donna B. Clark
“Transcription of Richard Lee Qualls book, Part I”, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
“Obituaries and Information on Local Confederate Veterans”=James M. Taylor; Samuel Box; W. M. Brown; Andrew Jackson Callis
Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf
Cover: Joseph Franklin Asher 1878-1920
Photos of Colcord 4th Grade , and Pre K visits
Contents of TLM Magazines, 2020 issues
Responses to 2020 Donor Fund Campaign
Christopher Freslow Jordan, Delaware Co.OK by Donna Clark
Lottie May Wilson, Delaware Co. OK by Donna Clark
Murder at Maysville Ar 1896 by Glenita Guthrie
Comments about Ezekial Proctor by Glenita Guthrie \
Obits: Baty, Glenn, Ghormley, King ,Eaton, Seals, Clark, Dowd, Denny, Phillips, Brenner
The Asher families, Delaware County, OK by Rosetta Asher Welch
Richard Qualls, Part 2, transcribed by Teresa Allcorn
Talbot Library & Museum, established 1990, 2021 article by Terry Ropp
Elk Horn Tavern, poem by Mrs Lucinda Cox, published 1925
Pea Ridge Battleground, Benton Co.AR, article published 1925
Fairmount School, Benton Co. AR, photos & memories by Faye Shields Roberts
Talbot Library and Museum Resources
Henry M. Butler, Benton Co. AR, by Teresa Allcorn
Ebay link to Talbot Bookstore
Book Reviews and New Books on Shelf, Talbot Library and Museum
Cover: photo of Wall Clock from Row (OK.)store
Photo of Alternative Education Class, Colcord High School visit, and Colcord PreK
Ad for Huge Book Sale and Christmas Open House, Talbot’s Dec. 3 and Dec.4, 2021
Interesting Rodebush Family History research, summer of 2021 by Donna Clark
December 1933, Delaware County (OK)Posse story by Donna Clark
Old Map, Oklahoma, with Row on it, no Colcord
Joe and Bertie Hamby Roughton, by Donna Clark
Wall Clock From Row Oklahoma store donated by Donald & Glenda Cornelison Bishop
1989 letter announcing Ground Breaking for Talbot Library and Museum, Colcord and list of bidders at the June 11, 1998 fundraising auction
1988 ad for Building Fund Auction for Talbot Library and Museum, Colcord
Robert Henry Franklin and Narcissa Brown Thompson by Rosetta Welch
Robert Henry & Emma Jane Dixon Thompson by Rosetta Welch
“Gone But Not Forgotten”, memories of Fisher Ford Bridge, Benton Co.AR by Gary Barnes, published by Herald-Leader, Siloam Springs, AR 2014
100 Years of Sheriffs for Adair County, OK
Barnes Store in Cincinnati, AR by Gary Barnes
Photos with student names, Elementary Schools -Row , Minniehaha and Beck Prairie, from Colcord High School “Hornet” yearbook, 1945,
The Story of Cincinnati and Harrell Cemetery by Doyle Barnes
Obits: Washington, Knox, Griffin, Brown, Christian, Randolph, Washington, Beaty, Woodward, Honea, Buckly, McReynolds, Terry, Williams, Hall, Babst, Amos, Glenn, Denny
Depression Era Living by Jean Hurt
The Move to Crazy Holler by Jean Hurt
​Book Reviews and New Books on the Shelf, Talbot Library and Museum
Cover: Chamberlain School, Delaware County, OK, 1915
Photos of Iron Hand Rails added to Springtown Schoolhouse, quilt won by Rick Walkingstick
Thank You note from Grace Puffinbarger
Marcus Cox family in Row, OK by Ladean Bowman with photos
Elva Howerton letters donated
Responses to 2022 Donor Fund Campaign
Two Volume Set-“Nancy Ward & Her Descendants” books for sale
Preserving Your History by Duane Scott
Contents of Past Issues, T.L. & M. Mag. 2022
A Trip to White House (Virgil Talbot),transcribed by Sheri Stinchcomb Sharp
More Recipes submitted by Teresa Allcorn
On the Way to Victory, Victory School, Delaware Co. OK by Mailia Martin Macken & photos
Glenn Stinchcomb, 1927-2022 obituary
Half Price Book Sale, Schoolhouse
Cook Creek Bridge, Benton Co.AR by Duane Scott
New Exhibit open April 4, 2022 Cherokee National Supreme Court Museum-Zeke Proctor and Goingsnake Massacre, Talbot Library & Museum assisted with research materials & images
Obits: Graves, Morris, Anderson, Rose, Chamberlain, Ahrens, Kirby, Hollenback, McCombs, Harmon, Lucas, Wasson, Gardisser, Spears, Hulet, Longcrier, Kirby, Larsen, Walker, Copeland, Thompson
A German’s Wild Sports In Arkansas by Doyle Barnes (written about 2000)
Colcord, Oklahoma by Jean Hurt (dated Oct. 15, 2000)
Mores Recipes, submitted by Teresa Allcorn
Ewing House was a Leading hotel when the Springs Were Popular by Virgil Talbot, (April 1984)
Recipes From the Past, submitted by Teresa Allcorn
New Books on the Shelf and Book Reviews
Cover: Twin Springs Ranch, Flint, Delaware County, OK
Horse Drawn Trip to Twin Springs, by Dr Jessica Thompson with photos
Oklahoma and Adair County, 1907 by Terry Rose with photos
Obits: Londagin, Wright, Alberty, Honea, Rapp, Harrington, Bunnell, Walker, Crowder, Merritt, Chastain, Spears, Billups, Kingfisher
Macken Pursues PHd in Music by D. Sean Rowley, courtesy of Cherokee Phoenix
British Airmen buried in Miami, Oklahoma, by Duane Scott
Bloomfield, Early Benton County, Arkansas, by Donna Clark
James Manford Carselowey, Author of Books Regarding Oklahoma Indian & Pioneer History, by Malia Elizabeth Martin Macken, of Rose, OK
Lona Whitmire Mason 1902-1998 Delaware County OK Beloved Teacher by Donna Clark
Charles F. Colcord is at OU by Duane Scott, with photos
Pleasant Grove School, District 116, Benton County AR by Terrell Shields
The Ghost Town of Felker, AR, Benton County, AR by Terrell Shields
Colcord News, Delaware County Journal, Jay OK, December 24, 1964
New Books on the Shelf and Book Reviews , Talbot Library and Museum
2023 - 2024
Cover: photo of Jack Simmons, Big Rafter Rodeo Company, Colcord, OK
National Trail of Tears Assn. Board Members at Talbot’s-Photo
Big Rafter Rodeo Company, Jack Simmons Family, Colcord OK and photos
Jack Simmons and Sharron Blagg
Charles Francis Colcord
James Oscar Ramey history and photos by Gayle Campbell
Shields Family History by Margaret E. Bradford
Contents of Past Issues, T.L. & M. 2022,Vol XXX, Issue #1, 2022
History and Facts about Oklahoma by Duane Scott
Experiences of Roy & Jean Hendrickson Hurt family during Depression & WW II, by Hank Jenks
Responses to Talbot Library and Museum 2022 Donor Campaign
The Farmer, poem by Faye Roberts, dedicated to Parker Dean Roberts
Obituaries: Asher, Billups, Martin, Griscom, Puffinbarger, Gardner, Washington, Marshall, Roberts, Amos, Gardisser, Babst, Potter
Memory of Grace Puffinbarger article
Resources at Talbot Library & Museum, Colcord, OK
Cherokee Heritage, Sabra Beck family, by Elzie Cherry
History Note, May 1998-Jennifer Bateman, Samantha Daugherty-pages for OK State Rep. Larry Adair
Anti Horse Thief Assn. (ATHA)framed certificates, charters donated by Fred Bingham/Lex Cannon
Fort Wayne-One of a Line of Defensive Forts by Terrell Shields
Squeezin’ N Pullin, poem by Virgil Talbot
Book Reviews
Cover: photo of tombstone of Elizabeth Miller Mann and David S. Mann, Mann Cemetery, Dela.Co.OK
Grace Puffinbarger Memorial Research area at Talbot Library and Museum, and photos
Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC) 90th Anniv. N.E. OK Camps, Indian Division, and Grandpa George Eugene Johnson and photos, By Malia Elizabeth Martin Macken
The Family Tree poem by Joe Scraper Jr
Cherokee Allotment Certificates, Sarah Fields and Nora Fields, 1905 by Donna Clark & Malia Macken
Jennie Lamar, Fairland, OK, Interview, Indian Pioneer History Project, 1937
Bird Talk, by Gerald Hurt, and photos of Bob Wofford and Jim Wofford
Who Played in the Most Western Movies? By Duane King
The Spring Creek MANN Cemetery Preservation & Restoration Fund, Delaware County, OK, & photos
By Rocky and Connie Carroll
Obituaries: Napolitano, Morris, arrow, Gentry, Potter, Freels, Woods, Robinson, Snell, Porter, Londagin, Alfrey, Ellis, Byrd, Bud Stinchcomb, Bob Stinchcomb
Legacy of “Cherokee Bill”/William Addison Phillips and his contributions to Kansas, the Cherokee Nation and a Young County. By Clinton Hank Jenks, Part 1----- to be continued in next issue.
Book Reviews/New Books on Shelf
Cover: Dickson Cemetery, May 2024 Tornado, Cherokee City, AR.
Goingsnake Dist. Heritage Assn. Meeting, July 2024-Jack Baker, Retirement
Responses to 2023 Donor Campaign Fund, Talbot Library & Museum
Dickson Cemetery 2024 Tornado (photos), listing of damages by Teresa Parker
1882 and 1927 Tornados, Cherokee City, AR Community by Teresa Allcorn
James G. Starry by Teresa Allcorn
Floy E. and Thelma Keith Howerton, Early Settlers of Colcord, OK by Donna Clark
Blagg Family Reunion July 2024 (photos)
Obits: Edmondson, Bouquet, Fletcher, Hart, King, Larsen, Scott, Israel, Washington, Bishop
Doctors of Cincinnati, AR =Robinson and Powell by Glenita Guthrie
Part Two: cont’d=Legacy of “Cherokee Bill”=William Addison Phillips by Hank Jenks
Poem by Jean Hurt: Daily Routine For Ages 85 and 90
Cover: Interesting “Find” in Talbot Library & Museum, The Story of Oklahoma book
Interesting “Find” in Talbot Library & Museum, re: McDaniel and Swartz families by Donna Clark
Becky Hobbs, NANYEHI and 2009, (photos) by Malia Macken & Andrea Squires
Nanyehi-Beloved Woman of the Cherokee by Becky Hobbs (photos)
Keeper of the Plains (Wichita, KS) by Duane Scott (photos)
Barnes Rodeo Family, by Anita Barnes Smuck (photos)
The “White Horse” Letters-Cherokee Advocate 1876-1880 by David Hampton
Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma Historians Hall of Fame (Virgil Talbot) by Donna Clark (photos)
Obits: Hammer, Townsend, Harp, Sumpter, Wilmoth, Elmore, Hill
A Ghost Story: Eliza Bell, WPA Oklahoma Slave Narrative by Terrel Shields
Mattie Rowe Still-Letters Discovered by Tim Stephens and Malia Macken (photos)
Part Three-cont’d=Legacy of “Cherokee Bill=William Addison Phillips by Hank Jenks
Rembering Bozarth, Benton Co.AR. by Teresa Allcorn
Sylvanus Webb Moddrell by Glenita Guthrie